For those that want to move to Canada

Well the Canadian Health-care system is in no way perfect. First off, everything is a wait in line. You want a hip replacement? Suck it up, you’re not getting one for a while. Private health care could possibly end this and get emergency help to the people who need it, but the Canadian government thinks a two-tier health system is a no-no.

Need a hip replacement? Maybe you should stop being a typically American right-here-right-now self-serve narcissist and actually DO suck it up. You’re not the only person on the planet who matters, and with our technology it’s ridiculous to have to pay thousands for a mere hip replacement.

Canada may have long waiting lists, but at least it doesn’t flat out deny the majority of people who need medical attention.

Those problems exist everywhere, Shinobi.

As for Hades’ comment, I remember being told about a man who was having a heart attack and walked into the hospital and the nurses refused to admit him. They claimed that he was just dizzy and gave him some orange juice and sent him away. he died on the lawn or something like that. It worsened, at the very least anyways. This was in an American hospital…

I thought it was interesting to bring that up, however I know that that has no real evidence that american hospitals “deny the majority who want medical attention.” Who knows, maybe they do that in Ontario or BC, where the population is larger. But i just thought I would mention it.

I meant serious medical attention. I don’t think many people would have trouble paying for some gauze and codeine. Things like transplants, on the other hand, get very expensive, as I understand it.

Ok, this is my last post on the subject. Canadian healthcare system has a potential of being one of the greatest in the world. No doubt about that. But right now it has problems, huge problems.
Hades, I am glad that you and your family had a positive experience with the HC system so far. Unfortunately, that is not the case for many Canadian citizens.
Do you listen to the news? Do you read the newspapers? Do you know what a “Romanow commission” was?

On November 28, 2002 health care commissioner Roy Romanow unveiled a sweeping set of recommendations aimed at fixing Canada’s ailing system. But can his report cure health care?

I’ll do you a favor. Here is a link to a CBC news in-depth look at almost every aspect of the Canadian healthcare system (the good, the bad and the ugly). It’s a lot of info to handle in one shot, but maybe you can check that site later for updates.

And this is what one of Canada’s editorial cartoonists thinks about Canadian healthcare:

The fix is relatively simple though. More medical staff ( doctors, nurses, technicians.) and more $$$ to pay extra wages and to pay for more equipment.
And help is on the way

First Ministers agree that access to timely care across Canada is our biggest concern and a national priority.

Maybe we’ll discuss the subject in a couple of years and Canadian healthcare will become one of the best in world.

Strangely Until a few years ago, It was the same in the UK. The goverment Had needed quite a few £££. Now it more needed training our Newbie Doctors and Nurses, but they still learning.

If you want to know The UK Health Care system Called the NHS sounds simalar to the Canada’s in how it works.

Big Nutter

It was always looked at as one of the best in the world, bud. I guess you have to live here instead of picking out articles to really make a statement about how bad it is.

Yes Hades, because I’m a narcissist I’d hate waiting, not being able to do anything because I need heart surgery, wait a long painful amount of time to actually get it, then wait out the rest of the recovery time. People just want to get back to their regular lives, its not really narcissistic.

Between me and you, I’d rather live there than in Iraq or a hundred other countries, including the “land of the free and the home of the brave”

What Eva said. Keep reading about Canada’s theoretically bad health care system, but realize that things are lot different in practice.

Damn fanboys