Final Fantasy X-2

Yeah, it’s so childish and silly to think about and discuss the gameplay of a, you know, videogame.

Figures a 13 year old would like it. It’s directed at the OMG LOL!!!111 MTV/Britney spears crowd.

You realize that the majority of people ARE that crowd right? You make games to sell.

True. How sad.

Actually, the majority of the videogame-buying crowd is aged 18-25.

Well actually, the current maintainer of the FF7 shrine got a badly written email that was sort of like the “stereotypical fanboy”.

Also, I’ve gotten some FF7 e-mails that were poorly written and only said “lol ff7 is great”. I don’t know <i>why</i>; but it just happened. It was completely random since the only shrine I had any connection with was EVO at the time, and I laughed over it, but now I wish I had saved it :stuck_out_tongue:

As much as this was dripping with sarcasm, I have to do this.

SASAI! thump-thump SASAI! thump-thump SASAI!

For those who don’t know…don’t ask.

OK, I want to know why this is still here, but mine was moved. That’s pretty fucked up.

Because we probably didn’t need another topic about it, since we have this one.

doesnt explain why they didnt move them both. Apparentely ALL FF related threads need to go over there. But no. I guess it’s just MINE.

Yeah, it is. We like doing that to new people in an effort to confuse and upset them. It seems to be working so far.

Mainly because the mod that moved it felt like it deserved to be there, and none of us felt like this one did. shrugs I didn’t move it, and I don’t particuarly care if FF discussion happens here. It’s one of those things though that if too much of it spills over into the main forum, it’ll get moved since the FFC forum is completely dedicated to that stuff.

Your reply’s off, because that’s not what I said. Jango said “there’s absolutely no difference in your characters aside from Cloud’s ultimate weapon being scary strong and their limit breaks.” Obviously, there are gameplay differences: statistics, equipment, and, as he said, limit breaks. On the other hand, classes and character-unique skills are gone. Wouldn’t you agree that it’s childish and silly to call FFVII an FF for dummies, because it’s missing classes and character-unique skills (i.e., to obsess over them)?


Isn’t it obvious? It’s because we don’t like you, silly.

As for the elusive FF7 fanboys, I know one in real life. He’d talk about where he was in the game during study hall, and I distinctly remembering him talk about how huge Cloud’s sword was.

duh uhh… no one cares

Don’t throw a shit fit, damn. It’s just a thread, it’s just a message board.

Who’s throwing a fit?

That kind of sounded like a fit.

Let’s us not get into a fit or anythilng right now.

(this thread has been dead for a week, leave it to rot)