final fantasy FOURTEEN!!!!!!

I’ll admit that I’m with Charle on this one (except that I would say that IX was the good one of the PSX era). X was mediocre at best (much like VII & VIII were), XII should’ve been its own game instead of trying to not be an FF game while still being an FF game only to have the Squeenix execs say “Let’s not, but say we did.”, and XIII was nothing more than a visually gorgeous tech demo.

Also I would be against rerevisiting Chrono Trigger on the grounds that Squeenix would likely base it mostly off of the CC clusterfuck except the parts that take another shit on CT. (I can see it now. In a highschool in modern day [STRIKE]Porrie[/STRIKE] Not Japan, an average anime asshole finds out that he can travel back and forth through time over a 10 year period (5 years on either side) where he can learn all about how awesome he’ll become, how his anime girlfriend promised him the closest thing to a lifetime of total commitment, devotion, and [STRIKE]sex[/STRIKE] a kiss (maybe), and some other crap. The culminates with his discovery that he’s the time displaced son of CC’s Serge and Kid who was sent forward in time to 1999 AD to escape the wrath of Magus who’s now evil again but now he must battle him while rescuing the aforementioned anime girlfriend from him. After killing Magus, Lavos, who was sleeping underneath the highschool awakens (because it’s 1999 now) and he and his party do battle with it while saving Crono’s crew in the process using the brand new plot macguffin [STRIKE]‘The Chrono Break Dance’[/STRIKE] some dinky sword called the Chrono Breaker or some horseshit.)

Am I the only one who liked FF X better than FF VII? Yes, seriously. More likable characters, more epic story. Granted both go to crap at the end, storywise. And X had the second-worst minigames ever (X-2 has the worst) while VII had my favorite ones. Go figure.

So FFXIV officially sucks ass as the worst FF title ever released. President and CEO, Yoichi Wada confirmed it by firing the entire development team and replacing them yesterday:

You’d think those fucktards would have figured this out a long time ago. Not having an auction house, slow as fuck server-side combat (???), etc.

Lots of respect to them for listening to the people, realizing that they essentially put out an unfinished product and taking responsibility for it.

SE could certainly be handling this worse, but I don’t think they deserve much praise after releasing a crappy, unfinished product and assuming their fanbase would embrace it simply because it was branded with the Final Fantasy name.

Read Warren Spector’s response to the shitty camera issue’s of Epic Mickey, then read SE’s response to FFXIV.

I’m glad critics are finally admitting the shittiness of a Final Fantasy title. Square has sat comfortably on its name recognition and army of graphics designers for far too long.

I’m just disappointed that Uematsu wasted his pent-up good ideas on a best-forgotten game.

Patching the game as we speak I’m puuuuuumped

Edit: I chose a low-pop server to play on and I only ended up getting to play for a few minutes but so far, holy shit it is beautiful, and the combat isn’t slow at all, it is faster than FFXI at least (approx. one billion times faster, I might add)

Maybe not as fast as WoW but the PvE combat is retarded in that game, HOLY FLASHING LIGHTS MONSTER IS DEAD
I’m okay with that sort of speed in PvP, but it makes PvE stupid

I should have a real post tomorrow or the next day

What the hell were you fighting in WoW to kill stuff instantly? I haven’t played since Burning Crusade (70 Rogue), but unless you’re killing low level crap, fights take some time.

I miss soloing shit in FFXI :frowning: Used to love killing bees in the Temple of Uggalepih while hunting Sozu, back before they made the Thief Knife a 100% drop.

edit: Sleep Bolt, Gear Swap, Sneak Attack, Dancing Edge, dead

I’ve always just done yellow quests, though my gear was usually top of the line PvE or PvP and my fights (especially with my rogue) were over in a few seconds or less usually. I remember a long time ago it was either ambush evis or ambush kidney backstab evis and whatever I was fighting was dead. Nowadays its just mut mut mut mut mut mut mut mut mut and probably 9 or 10 things are dead

This was my experience with a rogue, warrior, and a mage. Fights were over quickest with my rogue.

Well, depends on your class. My ele shaman could at level 80 whoop most stuff at green level within a few seconds, even in healer gear.

Uematsu = EPIC

SquareEnix = Steaming Pile of Shit Games