i asked if it sounded like asch or if it was my imagination…
another trailer - more of an interview on the battle system.
there’s also all the old ones on better quality…
i asked if it sounded like asch or if it was my imagination…
another trailer - more of an interview on the battle system.
there’s also all the old ones on better quality…
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.
The presence of a black character does not mean a game will not be racist. Barret from FFVII is a black stereotype, for instance.
Non-racist games pretend that there are no cultural differences between different races, except that minorities in particular are uniformly well-educated, virtuous, and “fighting the good cause” long before even the few good-hearted members of the majority are aware it exists. This is how we alter negative stereotypes, by constructing an alternate universe that ignores the realities of race and culture. What a shame, that games like FF7 and FF13 do not participate in this revisionism.
In seriousness, I think the trailers look pretty sweet, especially after the letdown of 11-12. The aesthetics harken back to FF7. If there is a 60s-70s theme, that is certainly fine with me.
Watching the opening reminded me of Red XIII’s bit after the credits of 7, just for the seconds it’s focused on those running creatures though.
And oh look it’s a Sephiroth just as effeminate but not overcompensating. Or possibly just he is a woman this time.
Other than that, I’m impressed by the video. But other than being pretty it’s got nothing going on for it that makes me want this game. The gameplay trailer didn’t really show much actual gameplay. So still not impressed.
And thus the circle would be complete (hell if that really was a butch female then it would be a true Reverse Sephiroth lolololol).
Just an additional note - the kid in the latest trailer has had more info released
he’s called Hope Estheim and his weapons are boomarangs and shruiken.
he hates Snow because snow didn’t save his mother and is in love with vanille.
Theres supposed to be 6 main and 4 guest characters so i suppose there is only one more character left…
This game reeks nothing but pure awesomeness
I dunno what some of you losers are talking about
not trailer related but FFXIII related.
just some interesting info from the july interviews (i know its late but…)
there are to be 6 main characters (we know 5 already) and supposably we’ve seen the 6th character (only clue - its probably a woman…)
there are only 6 summons (called Eidolons like in ff9 and ff4ds) with one per character. (eidolons have been confirmed as shiva, ifrit, odin, siren, carbuncle and bahamut)
each character is loosly based on a job and have two weapons avaliable each (a unique weapon and a shared weapon)
the Eidolons act as the limit breaks because they can change to aid their summoner (eg. shiva -> motorcycle for snow)
heres the base role (stuff in bold is my theories)
Lightning - soldier/knight? - her eidolon is Odin (becomes a horse) - weapons = gunsword (i refuse to say gunblade) , other,
Snow - Monk - shiva (motorcycle) - Fists, Machine Gun
Vanille - White mage - Carbuncle (?) - Bows, something like a cross between a rod and whip (fishing rod??)
Sazh - Gunner/ranger? - Ifrit (?) - Pistols,machine gun?
Hope - not sure on job - his eidolon is either siren or bahamut - boomerang, other
6th person - who knows - siren or bahamut - who knows
just my theory but i think the 6th is Hope’s mother (both she and snow fall - he survives so…) or the woman with glasses and long hair (seen interogating vanille…bad people have changed sides before (Celes, Beatrix spring to mind - both are generals who change sides))
Actually that woman with glasses has been confirmed as a villain here.
There’s also talk about Sazh having a son who may or may not be playable.
That information and more can be seen here.
Villians’ names: I guess I’m having an “A-Laws” feel with these guys.
Jihl Nabaat: A member of Cocoon’s military, she’s the one who captures Vanille for purging.
Yaag Rosch: A member of Cocoon’s military, he appears in the trailer to state that the heroes are a threat to Cocoon’s peace.
fine, it was only a thought (since ff4 there’s been one character in each game whose changed sides - Kain, Gilgamesh, Edea, Celes, Vossler, Cait Sith, Beatrix…)
Anywho - what about the Hope mother theory (they said we’ve seen them and ive said my theories before…), other than that i cant think who they mean unless its been someone in the background…
Just an additional note - Hope supposably runs away if his health is critical to long so a side event in ff13 is to find methods to make him braver…
I am so looking forward to this game. Does anyone know if there be a PC version?
no - just ps3 and xbox360. although they’ve said ff13agito may transfer to the Web if popular enough
But bards aren’t supposed to be brave, they’re supposed to be spoony.
Also I wouldn’t count on Hope’s mom to be alive as Snow himself = Umaro (I fully anticipate that he will eventually develop an attack that involves picking up one of the party by one hand and chucking him/her at the enemy). On the off chance that she survives I anticipate seeing her plugged into some oversized engine of death that you have to fight later in the game, or a cyborg, or she gets really lucky and landed in some improbable garden in the middle of a derelict church placed directly underneath that highway that she fell from.
Killmore - i doubt Hope’s gonna be a bard (although that could make his eidolon siren rather than bahamut to fit…hmm) i mean whose heard of a bard that fights with boomerangs.
another random note - more of a rumour realy but the 6th character could be this personhttp://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Serah
As was mentioned in this link IGN Nordic
Toriyama also introduced a couple of new characters, but only in the form of concept art. The first was a slender, long-haired young woman (who Toriyama feels is the cutest character in the game). He didn’t provide her name, but he did say she will not be a playable character.
I think we can safely rule her out of the running.
i did say ‘rumour’… what i find confusing is that they havent said who the 6th is yet when the game is supposed to be released in dec2009…whoever it is i hope they say soon…
only known facts - we’ve supposibly seen them already, its most likely a girl (the interview didnt make it definite) and their eidolon is siren or bahamut…
interesting countertheory/rumour - the 6th character is most likely a hoax and bahamut will only appear as a boss (cant find website with this theory - ill edit if i do)
[b]EDIT - now confirmed that 6th character is not a hoax, bahamut is the eidolon of the the new character. therfore siren is possibly Hope’s eidolon.
interesting things (mixture of rumours and facts)
The newest trailer with the game’s theme song.
I suddenly find myself lacking a need to play through FFXIII now that I know all of this. ;_;
Joking(?) aside, I figured that Bahamut was probably going to end up as this game’s Ultima (as compared to FFs V and IX). Otherwise they would’ve given it to [STRIKE]Ten Feet of Steel[/STRIKE] Lightning (not that I’m saying that she wont end up with it at some point but it would be like giving Sanger Somvold Wodan’s Sledgelmir).