Originally posted by Dark Sand
[b]Almost all games have a linear storyline, companies aren’t going to hire writers to come up with 17 different plot lines for a game, even the acclaimed non-linear Morrowind had a linear main plot (you just didn’t have to follow it). As far as I’m concerned the whole notion of non linear games is a myth, sure you can pick the order for a few quests and you might not have to do them all, but when it comes to major story points they have to happen in a specific order. After all, it wouldn’t make much sense if you rescued the princess before she was kidnapped (unless you “rescued” her from the castle).
Still, I’d like to hear more about FFX-2, I didn’t like FFX all that much, but from what I heard they took out virtually everything I hated (sphere grid, turn based system, aeons, sphere grid) and brought back the good old stuff (levels, classes, the hardcore active battle system, levels). Could you give us a little more info on it? [/b]
I personally loved FF-X and that was the entire reason i bought a PS2 heh. As far as FFX-2, upon playing it all night it has started to grow on me as I hoped it would.
The ATB system is back but its much more hardcore than any use before it. Battles are so blazingly fast its insane. Most minor battles are over in litterally 5-10 seconds. The ones that happen to take a bit longer can be confusing. It is not uncommon to have 4 people attacking at EXACTLY the same time (Monsters and PC’s) so it makes it difficult to see who is doing what.
I don’t know if Aeons are gone, but I am assuming they are due to the ending of FFX. During the Dress Sphere tutorial they mentioned “Special Spheres” that when used take the place of an entire party (similar to how Aeons did). For instance when Yuna (Who was pictured) puts on a special dress sphere she is the only one in the party, but she has 3 attacks to make up for it.
Leveling is done in the classic way, however AP points are accumulated as soon as a mob is killed (As opposed to at the end of battle), so if you are fighting 4 mobs, and you gain a skill after killing the first one, you can use that skill in that same battle on your next turn. You cannot see how much AP you gain however, just how much you need to get your next ability.
There is a dress sphere grid (Called a Garment Grid). This works by you placing your Dress Spheres on the grid in a pattern. You can only change dresses if the dress you want to change into is touching the dress you are wearing on the grid. Otherwise you have to travel along the grid to get into the dress you want. It is kind of a pain, but it does make you think tactically as far as choosing which Grid to equip and which/where spheres to load on it.
Hope that is enough info for ya =)