got a problem. in ff6 for playstation. im at the fight with vargas and sabin. i cant get him to do his blitz move. any ideas? when am i s’pose to push left right left X?
I think before or after you select the blitz move, can’t remember which.
You select Blitz and stick it in right then and there. There’s no dialog or anything.
Thank you. Vargas was pissing me off
This happened to me too…for future reference, when you want to do some of Sabin’s more advanced blitzes, the diagonal arrows can be avoided by just pushing up or down, depending on the direction of the arrow. :ah-ha!: :hahaha;
But I often found it easier to move it normally than to press the buttons twice or something to do it. Less likely to mess up.
I disagree. I usualy go by the method where you use doubletaps of directions in place of directions, and once I got the hang of it, I never messed up a Bum Rush.
But stick to whatever is easer for you.
OK… highlight Blitz, press > < > X or whatever the command is and pummel is done.
And do it quick.
Hes gonna blow, hit the decks mateys!
(you’ll do a blitz move yourself Greiver…):runaway:
When I was about 10 or 11 I could never get past that either. Stupid blitzes. Like everyone said, push whatever buttons and then hit X. It’s really simple.
You’re gonna kick yourself…
When the finger is pointing at Sabin press left, right, left
< > <
Remember, do it while the finger is still there. :mwahaha:
I didnt kick myself… i hit myself…I feel dumb.
Don’t worry. This problem has happened to so many people that I’m disappointed Square didn’t insert a little bit into the PSX version during the battle to explain it. When I first played the game like eight or nine years ago, I had to call a friend to have him explain to me how to do it.
Final Fantasy VI was the first FF game I ever saw. I remember watching my friend play it when I was 8 or 9 and thinking, “There’s no way I can play this game, I can’t remember how to do Sabin’s Blitzes.” I can’t believe I thought that.
The best advice I can give is to take your time while doing it do you don’t hit the wrong button by mistake. However you have to do it fast enough so it will work.
Doesn’t Sabin come with Pummel and Aurabolt, and Pummel’s the one that has to be used in that fight to end it automatically? I’ve heard that using Aurabolt doesn’t do anything for that fight, but that with a lot of patience Sabin can win the old-fashioned way.
aura bolt isnt always there. it depends on sabins level.
Yes, Sabin automatically starts with Pummel, AuraBolt, and Suplex.
And yes, any Blitz will end that battle, I’ve tried.
sabin doesnt always have aura bolt and suplex. he only has those if he is at a high enogh level (10 i think)
I’m almost 100% positive he starts with all three. Maybe it’s different in the Japanese version.