FF 6 help needed

thats the way it was on the playstation version.

I have the SNES version. He’s never started with anything more than Pummel for me.

That’s weird…
I do know that there’s at least two versions of FF3 running around (one of them spelled Daryl “Darill”, for example). So maybe that has something to do with it. But I’m almost completely certain that he always started with AuraBolt and Suplex. Maybe I leveled up more than the rest of you before meeting him, although that’s hard to imagine seeing how much I hate leveling up. 8p

I know he started off with two in the version I have.

Its all a matter of what his level was

See, I knew for mine that Sabin started with Pummel, Aurabolt, and Suplex - I also know that I don’t level at all in that game, expecially at that point. Cid and I have something in common!

Sabin can start with Fire Dance if your level exceeds sixteen I believe, I’ve gotten it once, it takes alot of tedious boosting. I was trying to get two Mythril Claws from the rhynodons or whatever those things are called, so it took me a while.

He probably will only have Pummel if you run from every battle in the game and absolutely refuse to level. I have no idea how you could get there below level 10 otherwise.

I believe Sabin learns Fire Dance at level 15 because I would always get him to that level before I got on the ghost train. Does that mean that he’s one level below your other characters?

I just barely got on the Floating Continent and I have NEVER done a Blitz, aside from that one time. It took me FOREVER to beat Vargas! I kept dying because I couldn’t do the stupid move. I think the time I beat him, I did his Blitz move before it told you how to do it and Vargas was all surprised. Pretty funny. I guess.

I have Have to use Pummel (<>< (Fish!!)) in the UK FF6 to beat Vargras.

Big Nutter
ok. << vv > ?

Any new character is the average level of your characters +2