Female Ejaculation

I’ve gotta say SS, the only thing weirder than this thread is your avatar:P

And also, i’ve gotta say, female ejaculation does indeed rock, and the female orgasm is indeed -not- a myth, but the key to a great and wonderful marriage :smiley:

I made one of the first girls I was with do this and it scared the shit out of me. I made her leave lol.

seriously I’d make any chick leave that did that around me
it’s too close to pissing imo

Say, I had sex with a dinosaur skeleton at the museum, GAP. Is that like a double-negative and I’m still in the clear, or is this one of those two-wrongs-don’t-make-a-right situations?

On the thread subject: Yeah. Don’t get why people think it’s so rare. One of my ex-girlfriends did it almost every time.
Oh, not, wait, in hindishg, I think she was just urinating on me. My bad.

Did you know how old was the dinosaur before it died in the assumed meteor impact, ice age, alien invasion, jaws of a bigger dinosaur?

Or the gender for that matter?

Yeah. I think so.

Internet. Three parts lol, three parts porn, three parts WTF.

That can be simplified into one part each, Manus.

But then we have less of each!

Well, if you want a smaller serving size, this is true. But the recipe clearly calls for three of each. Are you going to argue with the recipe?

Maybe Valkyrie Esker is a diabetic and cannot handle three parts lol. :bowser:

What the heck. This has to by the twelfth most bizarre thread I’ve ever seen here.

Can’t you see that Val is simply against ‘Super Sizing’ everything needlessly.

Which I can sympathize with since there does seem to be a rather disturbing amount of people who are suffering from a terrible case of morbid obesity of the head. (and no I am not referring to that Elephant man condition)

My spider sense warns me not to google “fat head”.

Just… wow. I want to worship and kill all of you right now… which to do?


Then she should simply have a smaller serving size. If she makes it with three parts, she should have enough for three meals! The problem is that VE must be one of those people that has to eat everything at once. I know a lot of people like that.

VE’s a boy. JSYK.

Yeah, I remembered after I posted, but I just let it stay. It doesn’t really matter, because its gender is so confused.

What are the eleven other threads?

And I concur with the first post.

Something like the second biggest monkey head I’ve ever seen, I’d bet.