Favorite RPGC memory?

I group texted SG and Kagon yesterday about Fakagon. Kagon responded. SG did not.

:fakagon: diapy! :smiley:


Well you seem a bit miffed about it. Sorry dude :\

I’m just joshing around. I’m not mad at all.

SG, do we still have a picture of Kero making out with the Bubbles candle anywhere? Might have been in the RPGCali picture zip. And then Kero lost the Bubbles candle. :frowning:

Oh well, at least we convinced Spazzy that you were me and I was you.

Oh thank goodness!

I probably spent more time in #rpgclassics fucking around or playing scrabble than I did actual work at some of my earlier jobs. Of course I was only doing those “jobs” to get some experience and more importantly, maintain a proper visa so I wouldn’t get deported from China again (can anyone dig up THAT thread?). In the meantime, I could pursue my true passions…fucking around in IRC all day, drinking, whoring, drinking more, and starting a highly profitable commodity trading business and subsequently running it straight into the ground over the next few years. But hey…even failure can get you into one of the best business schools in the world if you can tell the story right.

Here is me graduating from Chicago Booth business school two weeks ago with my ultra-nerd high honors (who says a decade of drinking fake alcohol in China killed all my brain cells…or maybe it only killed the brain cells related to things like decision-making or impulse control, not NERD STORE shit). Sorry about the low quality image with watermark, I refuse to pay like 90 dollars for this fucking stupid fucking ass picture.

I’d just like to mention that I tried my best to look as smug as fucking possible…and I’m happy to say that I succeeded wildly. I mean, I’m literally :smug::smugyoshi: I’m pretty proud of myself.

so yeah, I graduated, now I bought a house in Chicago and so changed my party registration to republican. It’s hard to believe I’ve been out of china for two years, but seeing that old disaster of a dating thread from years back, just thought I’d let y’all know I did end up marrying a fine lady from there (who I did not meet from online dating unfortunately, but man did I meet some freaking psychos during that, including one girl who literally wanted me to just impregnate her so she could have a MIXED BLOOD BABY).

Anyway, this post was a long way of saying that I miss the old #rpgclassics channel, I haven’t IRCed in years, but I fucking love IRC and I hate that the whole internet has moved on into smart phones and instragams and shit I just wanna type text to my nerd bros and randomly kick ban people until the end of days. Well that’s all.

Damn Zepp. I hope that really isn’t a picture of you, because unless you’re pulling a Dorian Grey here, you look like you’re in your early 40s.

984: I just checked to see if I got that text…and then I realized, my number has changed since the last time (? perhaps not) you texted me. I’ll send you my new number on Facebook. As for the pics, I’ll look for some fun ones to post here tomorrow, including that one.

Zepp: You should pay money just cos that face could be an awesome internet meme. And yeah, I basically agree about #rpgclassics. To think, people will look at #rpgclassics and think I’m hashtagging something. Hashtags are for suck-ass bitches.

EDIT: I mean shit-ass dicklords.

EDIT2: I checked to see if the RPGCali pics were where I thought they were really quick (they weren’t, but I know I still have them), and I found this fantastic picture that everyone needs to gaze upon. See attached file.

Well glad to know a random 760 number got Kag’s and mine couple of RPGC texts.


7 years in China has aged me a lot. My hair is almost completely gray now. It works though…I can pull off “distinguished” if I try, but most of the time I probably end up as smug old creepy dude.

All of it, even the drama that seemed important at the time, then super embarrassing for years just seems funny now.

-Fucking around in the chatroom for hours going on about the most nonsensical shit. Nowadays I have to plan something as simple as getting dinner with friends a couple days in advance, but back then there were a bunch of you jackasses hanging around chatting 24 hours a day.

-All the stupid in jokes like Ackbar being obsessed with me

-Pointless endless staff arguments about something as minor banning someone for a week

-Driving a bunch of people to one of the RPGCali meetups in my piece of shit car. It would constantly overheat so I had to drive down in the middle of the night to keep it from overheating in the LA summer. All those meetups were great and the guys willing to host it were super unappreciated.

-Dating Nessa for quite a while and having it eventually implode due to us both being super immature.

-Playing Quake 2 and Starcraft. I remember playing some custom game with SG and a few other people, you were supposed to stare at SCVs mining to see what was off, then after a minute a super crude ASCII face popped up and the game played a screech sound. It was the stupidest fucking thing I’d ever seen but I just remember laughing about it for like half an hour.

-Hanging out with SG who was a really cool guy, years after I stopped posting here.

Hence your joining the Republican Party.

We should totally hang out again, too, once I get back on my feet. In particular, now I own a car that threatens to overheat if I drive it more than about twenty miles, so that’s shitty.

And I remember that fucking SC map. AND I remember all of us just being so mad about it, and only you thought it was super-funny. Actually, that’s probably the best part about it.

I also remember that stupid Britney Spears Concert map that Jiharn loved so much. lmfao.

~~ !! @@ KERRIGAN HAS SEX WITH DUKE FINAL V2.0 @@ !! ~~.scm

[li]Bullshitting with OFX
[/li][li]Talking with Orian about Legend of Legaia, Reboot, and women
[/li][li]That time that Steve, Kero, and TD called my house, but my mom picked up when Steve called and I got grounded for giving our number out on the internet.
[/li][li]Feeling somewhat productive by finishing shrines in a timely manner
[/li][li]Talking to Sin about bitches, biology, and life.
[/li][li]*Crotanks digs a moat

And I know it was one of you that told me this–I keep thinking it was Sin or Ori. Which one of you fuckers was it that told me about the time the girl whose mom had a prosthetic leg and whenever you went over to her house the girl would take the mom’s leg away while she was asleep so that you guys could have sex without the mom being able stop/interrupt you?

The heater would periodically come on, too, compelling everyone to roll their windows down. Until the spontaneous heater gave way to the spontaneous air conditioner and we all had to roll them back up (also the smell from that one stretch of I5).

However, other than that it was durable enough and, in true Volvo fashion, got us all there and back safe and sound.

Good lord, we made a fucking mural at that meetup. A mural on a long-ass strip of cardboard.

And I kept that shit for a while, too.

May still have it preserved in picture form, come to think of it.

Yes. I still have a photographic record of the mural.

I liked the entire period from about 2001 to 2005 or so. It seems like so much happened then, though I can’t focus on one thing.