
That was plan B if she found out.

Was plan C murder? Because if it was I suggest moving it up to plan A.

Also Facebook is a great place to be outed, it allows you to maintain that awkward tension when you see them again and you pretend that they have no idea <3


You’re not talking about your parents, are you? That’s horribly grotesque, coming out on Facebook…

How about an SMS “PFLAG FTW!”?

Nope, I told my parents when I first realized it. But I decided that the rest of my family didn’t need to know. If my aunt had found out, she would have gossiped and that would have been unpleasant. ^^

I never thought of it that way Eden. Nothing like awkward tension at every family gathering. Because I’m not awkward enough already. =p Plan C would take too much effort. I am not that motivated.


Facebook can be embarassing. Sinistral thinks one of his pictures makes him look fat. Hit the gym tubby!

The funny thing is everyone in my lab thinks I need to fatten up because I really am not fat.