A while back there was a book called “Everything I Ever Needed to Know I Learned From Kindergarten” about simple life lessons. The popularity spawned a bunch of clones. What simple life lessons have you learned from FF? I’ll start.
-Stop every once in a while to have a potion
-Everyone has a role to play: white mage, black mage, fighter, thief, monk. They all have their strengths and weaknesses but they all need to work together to accomplish a common goal.
Let’s see what have I learnt from Final Fantasy. Well there are these…
[li]Always save energy, you never know what is around the corner
[/li][li]If you want to win, hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast. And hit 'em first!
[/li][li]You can always count on true frineds, to be there in bad times
The Final Confrontation always has more than one form. Be prepared to fight a prolonged battle.
Sometimes, you need to stop and smell the roses or, play the mini-game. Whatever.
No matter how advanced your airship technology may get, there will always be some place that you need Chocobos to get to. Likewise, no matter how advanced a solution you might be able to come up with, the simplest answer will always e the best.
[li]Set a goal and focus on achieving it.
[/li][li]Stay cool and think under pressure.
[/li][li]There is always hope for tomorrow no matter what the situation.
[/li][li]Don’t take anyone for granted, you never know when you may need them.
[/li][li]If someone wrongs you, don’t burn the bridge, but maintain your self-respect while moving on.
-you can go into strangers’ houses and take anything from them. they wont mind.
-look out for clowns
-sleep is good for whatever ails you
-the guy who knows the most speaks the least
-its up to you to save the world… 'cause odds are you helped put it in danger in the first place
Okay, people, sorry t be a drag, but could post things that could POSSIBLY be applied to real life? None of this “beware Tonberry” or “Biggs and Wedge” crap. I WILL Concede “look out for Clowns”, though, because clowns are scary.
Right. And how the fuck do airships, chocobos and final confrontations have any relation to real life? You goddamn hyprocrite! Whatever. I’m just going to assume you’re joking.
*edit: and while on the topic of being serious or joking, the very idea of taking this “final fantasy life lesson” idea seriously is ridiculous beyond belief.