Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Final Fantasy

I don’t know, but I think if I saw something small and green with a knife in real life I’d say, “Aww cute, it’s just like sgt. Frog.” and then it’s probly stab my hand and I’d be bleeding.
Now that I’ve been warned to be wary of these sorts of things I can avoid amphibian knife attacks in the future. I’d say it’s very applicable.

Sometimes to get ahead in life, you have to be beaten down by it. (reference to those impossible to win fights.)

Two swords are often better than one and a shield.

Never accept a “puff puff” massage given in a pitch black room. (from Dragon warrior but still a valuable lesson I think)

Although that last one probably better applies to EarthBound. :hint:

And don’t worry if you go the wrong place.
Some monotonous guard will deny you entry.

I guess it’s just as ridiculous as applying a concept to your life you learn from a book, or a play, or a movie, or a speech, or a tv show, etc. What a stupid idea!

I learned if you whine, lose your sanity, and sit in a goddamn crater for most of your life, you will be regarded by most as badass and gain a ridiculous amoung of fanboys and girls. This may require a sword, too, my tests aren’t completed on the subject.

[insert an ex-wife/husband joke here]

It’s not the exact same thing. Final Fantasy exists on such a different plane of mechanics as the real world, and the other things are sometimes designed to fit into it.
Taking life lessons from The Great Gatsby makes a hell of a lot of sense. Taking it from FFVII doesn’t, unless you go a lot more abstract. I mean, you can take lessons like the power of friendship and love and whatnot from them, but specific 'what I learned’s are not-so-much their forte. I’ll agree there are some good lessons in the games, but most of them are in FFVI and too poorly translated for anyone not needlessly analytical (if you’d like to see what I mean by needlessly analytical, I can PM you an essay on FFVI I wrote, and you’ll understand) to get much out of them.

You also need long silver hair, glowing green eyes, a black leather outfit and bishie good looks, otherwise it just don’t work.

Also, stop being an FF6 fanboy. An intelligent one you are, but still one to the point of annoyance.

Just because its been buried in a desert for 1000 years doesnt mean it wont fly
almost all animals carry money.
the further you get from home, the better the weapons are, but inns cost more

Life only advances when you talk to random people on the street.

This isn’t exactly a life lesson, but if it were figured out, I’m sure it would be. Barret’s wife died in an accident, shortly after having a child, and Barret’s arm is a gun. I sense these things as connected.

Assuming you’re being sarcastic, you’re right. Applying something discovered in a video game isn’t any different than applying something discovered from those other things you listed. I guess I was just in a really bad mood when I posted that.

Come to think of it, FF games could be an excellent medium trough which you can draw some valuable life lessons. If you can admire and even try to emulate some FF characters, The RPGClassics Agora
why not take a step further? If a certain situation in your life reminds of an episode from the game, might as well apply the principles of how your hero resolved the event; and just “copy/paste” game’s affair into your life :wink:

In theory, any medium source containing a certain storyline could have “valuable” life lessons:

There are so few shows where family members go to church," said Antonia Coffman, the show’s publicity director. “The Simpsons go to church and it’s intertwined with the irreverence. But at least they go on a regular basis.”

Experts agree that despite the show’s jabs at institutions like organized religion, the education system and government, the characters’ morality remains resolute.
No matter what [the] characters do, they end up accepting and loving each other,”

Edit: Just went off topic there, my apologies. But I am certain that Lisa’s favorite video game is FFVI :wink:

Let’s take this a step further, beyond a specific series, and look at entertainment platforms. For the sake of this discussion, I’m assuming that a “life lesson” is simply an inspirational work, “an agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention” (dictionary.com).

It’s also a safe assumption that everyone agrees fictional works such as stories, novels and movies are a source of inspiration.

Now, how is a video game that has an in-depth story any different than other fictional works? Inspirational books and movies often have no boundaries or mechanics. I’d bet more people alive right now have been inspired by Star Wars than The Great Gatsby. You’re welcome to discount those people as having an inferior intellect or whatever as you stroke your epeen, but the fact remains.

NA society still considers video games to be somewhat taboo, a past time for kids and dorks, and that’s why people (including members of classic gaming forums) are so quick to discount them as having any legitimacy. It won’t be that way for much longer, and the sooner people get past these pathetic stereotypes, the sooner gaming will advance. It pretty obvious that interactive entertainment is going to eventually overtake the spoonfeeding methods of television, books and movies.

Simply put, there is no logical reason to separate video games as a medium for inspiration from anything else. As far as FF in particular goes, see Star Wars vs Gatsby.

PS - I’d love to see your FFVI essay.

Actually I’ve learned quite a lot from Final Fantasy games:

  • Good is better than Evil.

  • If one serves under a leader, but is ordered to do something they do not believe is right they shouldn’t just follow the orders blindly, but question their leader’s judgment.

  • We should always stand up for what we believe, and what is good, just, and right.

  • Although we all have Good and Evil in our minds, we should strive to be as good as possible, because the more evil we allow to control us, the more we can be used for evil purposes.

  • Everything has an opposite. Therefore, although Evil will always exist in our hearts and minds, Good will also always exist to battle against Evil.

  • We should accept ourselves for who and what we are.

  • We all make mistakes in life, and must live with them. We must forgive ourselves, and move on.

Corny, but true.

Well, let’s see, what did I learn from FF games.

-Always make your hair style as radical as possible. It’s bound to increase the possibility of girls chasing you.

-Use a sword. Use a goddamn sword! It’s bad-ass and gives you an additional charisma. All the heros / villians have swords.

-If you’re a girl, you have to choose between styles of post-modernist conservativist style or a radically revealing style. No mid-sections.

-Pay attention to the bright and shiny spheres around you.

-Don’t worry, every single person are bound to have siblings that look exactly the same; they are all cloned.

-You have to save the world; the sooner you acknowledge it, the better you accept that the situation is messed up (because you yourself or someone related to you have messed it up anyway)

-Trust nobody. Apart from the all bright-and-bubbly characters around you.

-Your close friend, companion, whatever will (or one of them will) betray you. Kill them when you have the chance.

-If you have a gun, first shoot the others, and then end your own life not to go through the pain to end up getting paired with another guy in a slash fanfic.

-If you’re a “playah” you are most likely to end up with the most innocent (and ergo, least experienced) girl. So try to make the best of it, dude.

-If the battle seems too big, use excessive force and consume all your summons, magic points, whatever in the first five minutes. If they don’t work, well, it would suffice to say that, you have to pray.

-Don’t think that, as you get stronger, the battles will get easier. They will remain the same; if not get harder.

-If you can’t remember the past, or a part of the past completely, let it go. You’re better off without it.

Important lesson, indeedy. ;>.>

Don’t worry about being broke now. Eventually you’ll have more money that you can possibly spend.

Things FF has tought me.
In a fight. remember you must wait your turn and limit to just one attack.

dont worry if you die. your ally will most likley bring you back.

You always have good attack and low life. they have crappy attack and high life.

you can carry an infinite number of items in your invisible pack.

save often so you may return there