Even kitties can be stupid...

Now this is ironic, becuase this is the kind of action that I would have condemned. This is entirely true. Feel free to laugh if you must.


Earlier today I was having trouble getting to sleep. So my mom decides to remind me tht I have a promise to mow the lawn for five bucks.

Fine with me, mowing the lawn isn’t too bad and it’s five bucks. I want some ice cream.

So I go and start the mower (it’s gas-powered) and go mowing the lawn. It is rather uneventful, except for having to refull the gas tank because it emptied.

Otherwise nothign happens. Until my mower gets stuck. Yuo see, there’s a tree in my front law that I was trying to mow around, that for some reason had a wire sticking out of the ground next to it.

So the back wheel gets stuck in the wire.

Now, what I’m thinking about during this excersize is: a Cold Shower (Especially in this heat), Ice Cream, HArry Potter (No lie), the fact that Weiila is probably in bed without a kitty to snuggle with, and getting the mower free.

What I am NOT thinking about: The mower.

Thus, I forget the first commandment of mower safety: If thou desire to raise thy grass-cutting machine, thou shalt ensure that thee has released the lever which makes the engine go, and let it stop.

That’s right kiddies. I had the throttle on (both hands, give me some credit), and pushing the mower up and away from me to free the mower from the wire. What happens is quite predictable.

Wire gets caught in mower. Mower throws wire away with enough force to bust my leg open like an overripe melon.

Which is exactly what it does. My left leg, under the knee and to the right about two inches, gets broadsided with a wire doing at least 30 miles and hour. 50 I’m willing to bet.

NOW I let go of the throttle. And go limping in to deal with what is a pretty nasty welt and bruise. Cold pack, H2O2, cotton balls, anything I can reach that can help. It hurts like all holy hell.

But there is a happy ending: After taking care of my leg, and sitting in front of a fan to rest, cool off, and deal with my leg, I finished the lawn. I got my shower, I got my money, I got my ice cream, I got some pudding on top of that, then I went to bed and slept like a happy kitty.

My leg still hurts, and there is a rather ugly welt, btu it’s not too bad. It’s actually kind of funny because I shouldn’t have been doing it in the first place, but hell… it could have been a lot worse.

Moral of the story? points to the title

It’s always really stupid things that cause injuries. I broke my foot just walking down the sidewalk, for instance. That sucked.

claps congrats 8P. Good to see you’re alright and it didn’t hit your main artery.

Wow…that royally sucks.
But hey, you got ice cream. :slight_smile:

How could you break your foot walking down the sidewalk?
I know people who do a lot of dumbass things, but only one person’s gotten that close, and it was spraining her ankle while walking over a speed bump :stuck_out_tongue:

And since Ath isn’t here to say it, he’s got an uncle who lost half a finger by sticking it into the mower to check if the blade was moving.

Ugh, I’m glad you’re alright now, hon winces

And Dai: That’s just… sad. O_o

Dai, you think the speedbump’s sad? Imagine this. When I lived in Qc, I lived within walking distance of my HS, so I ate lunch at home and occasionally brought a friend along with me. But this particular day, we were running late and it was late in the year. We’re in a rush to go so I keep going “come on , come we gotta go and get the bus if we wanna make it on time”; my friend replies “no, if I don’t take the time to tie my shoes, I’ll trip and kill myself or something”. I reply “you’ll trip and hurt yourself anyway you dork” (he is quite clumsy to this day). So my friend ignores me and ties his shoes, much to my distress. We step outside, go down the steps from my door. There’s 1 last step not part of the staircase that leads to my driveway (its about 2 feet to the right of the staircase). My friend trips, falls over, sprains his ankle. I made him run down the hill to catch the bus, which we barely caught. However, he got the last laugh as he got out of end of the year school olympics (which are graded) because of his injury.

Sin: Can you beat the lawnmower one? Can ya? Can ya? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s not really mine, but it’s damn hard to top :stuck_out_tongue:

Spaz, I wish you the best and everything o_o;

And I’m pathetic too joins the club I trip and fall at least once a day, bump into random signs and traffic lights on the open street and onec managed to run through a glass door.
Oh, and I once slid down the stairs on my shoulder. No idea how I did that.

My dumbest injury day is a tie between two days. The Day of Foot-Ripping and the Bump Day.

On the former, I took a dive off the school’s diving board. I didn’t go far forward at all, and on the way down, my right foot hit the top of the diving board. Now, our diving board is very scratchy. I had fallen for about a second and a half before hitting. F=ma, right? I’m 265 pounds, with an acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2. That’s a lot of force, and it ends with my foot being ripped open with scars that are still there. Oh, and I went RIGHT from footrip to chlorine pool. OUCH.

The Bump Day’s much simpler… on one day, I stubbed my left foot a total of 54 times walking through my house.

The title is correct: In our house, I have a reputation of being a “prancing pony,” running and skipping through the house whenever I’m hyper or excited. Usually, I don’t fully realize it until I’m stopped for these reasons: 1) Someone tells me to stop, 2) I naturally figure it out, or 3) Bump into someone or something.

I’m not very clumsy at all, but the stupidest thing I’ve ever done is this:

I was running down the street because I was late for school and I see a hot girl across the road, so I look at her and she looks back. I carry on running and staring at her. Next thing I know I’m laying on my back with my head bleeding like shit.

Turns out I ended up running into a lamp post headfirst and knocking myself out.

You are now the only person I’ve met who’s actually done that.


Originally posted by Urkani
[b]I’m not very clumsy at all, but the stupidest thing I’ve ever done is this:

I was running down the street because I was late for school and I see a hot girl across the road, so I look at her and she looks back. I carry on running and staring at her. Next thing I know I’m laying on my back with my head bleeding like shit.

Turns out I ended up running into a lamp post headfirst and knocking myself out. [/b]

Wow, I thought this sort of thing only happened in sitcoms. Go figure

Man, am I lucky. I’ve never even had a bone broken, sprained, or anything like that.

Spazzy, GG is right. You got the ice cream, thats all that matters.

Man, am I lucky. I’ve never even had a bone broken, sprained, or anything like that.

It’s not just you, man. Sure, I’ve hurt myself alot, but mostly wounds. Gashes. Never a broken bone, muscle sprain, or anything.

You’re not alone, Urk. I ran headfirst into a granite post and knocked myself out. My little sister was chasing me, and she is evil incarnate. You’d have ran away as well ^^

Best story I know of is someone who fractured his foot while vacuuming his lounge. Don’t ask me how :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

I’ve run into posts before, unfortunately they were all at about waist height… :too bad;

Originally posted by Neb
[b]Best story I know of is someone who fractured his foot while vacuuming his lounge. Don’t ask me how :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

I’ve run into posts before, unfortunately they were all at about waist height… :too bad; [/b]

Oh yeah… I know what you’re talking about there. I hate when that happens.