
hides shrine of Charle…
Hey boys teehee i fell opps there goes my skirt teeheee

Ahem yeah i hate that, i probably piss off or annoy most guys and gals alike with just my fantastic charm alone, go me! I suck and am damn proud I do.

Personally i think avril is a harsh comparsion, whether your’e female or male.

Yeah, the pink and the green one were pretty hot and heavy.

…but neither she nor the yellow one were that attractive.

throws up at the thought ;p

kimberly was hot, sarah

Tommy just r00xxored y0 b0XXors, yo. Especially when he was evil. And… has flashbacks about the Swedish dubbing … oh god, just kill me now… I had almost forgotten. CURSE YOU!

yeah, evil tommy was the shit.

Evil Tommy was the best Power Ranger, then they had to make him all nice. I forget what giant robot he had. White version had that stupid talking sword and lion-type thing, which sucked because it couldn’t morph with the rest of them. This is proof that being good sucks, and evil is better. I stopped watching Power Rangers after the first movie, thus preserving what little childhood nostalgia value remains in the once-proud series.

Although it could be worse, they could become Daiten-Jin.

stupid, once he turned good he didnt turn white, he turned white once he used up all his green energy doing somthing.

You must mean Dragonzord, right? SInce the green one lost his powers, the Dragonzrod is still somewhere… of course, he could be restored to use if someone got the flute…dagger… thing, right?


When you got to grow up on Voltron, Power Rangers is just like nothing. You poor young uns… :stuck_out_tongue:

The bad guy/woman (don’t remember if it was Rita or that… Lord Z, was it?) had a green candle which did something… Anyway, when it burned out he lost his powers. I think. I remember a green drippy candle.

And she also had candles for each other ranger on one episode. I don’t remember how the heroes got saved though.

That show always had the greatest monsters. Remember the stop-light monster? Or the mirror? The kaliedoscope?

Or that pig that ate everything that wasn’t nailed down, including all their weapons, and they beat it by getting it to throw up first. :smiley:

And how many iterations have their been since the first? Eight? I outgrew this crap about a third of the way through the second…and although I’m hesitant to admit it, I’ll almost positive I’ve still got a box of the action figures somewhere. ^^;

Why is this thread now about power rangers?
The monsters in that were worse than the ones out of dr who.


In the immortal words of Hattori Hanzo, “SHADDAAAAAAAP!”

For the record, I’ve said nothing to contradict this, to my knowledge. :smiley:

Like you once said, Yar…from “reasonably sane” to “boing bloingy bloing boing”. RPGC has a tendancy to do that.

Gods, I love this place. :yipee:

Oh Charle? Wel ten, he sucked. They should’a stolen the candle and kept him Green. White sucked, and so did his robots!

You’d think that by now the bad guys would have learned to come out with their ultimate monsters first. Overkill is way better than defeat.

I loved how at the end of each episode, the red ranger came out and was like “remember kids always do your homework!” or “Never run with scissors!” or something stupid like that.