does your pc have a name?

Yeah, Yuna a good name!!! :yipee: :moogle:

The Fourth and Current: 1,4ghz+, 256 ram

  • Zoliphian.

that sounds cool. where is that name from?

I’ve never met anyone in real life named Luca. And I was refering to the character more than the name, hence my saying: “Mmm, sexy goth demon chick.”

but it reminds me of that dumb song
“hallo,my name is luca, i live on the 2nd floor…” ::doh::

My computer: Zeitbetrachter
My laptop: Zeitchronist
That thing at work: Schrottkiste

My computer: Zeitbetrachter
My laptop: Zeitchronist
That thing at work: Schrottkiste

zeitbetrachter? zeitchronist? my german is rather bad, do this words really exist? i’ve never heard them before

Anyone who guesses what my naming system is gets a cookie.

Router ID: Mithril
Wireless SSID: Behemoth
Comp of sleek black sexy ass kicking goodness : Tuahar-de-Danaan
(Dual 3.2Ghz P4, 2.9TB HDD RAID over 27 physical drives, 1GB of Corasair XMS4000 (DDR500))
Work Terminal one: M-9
Old Laptop: M-6
New Laptop: Arbalest

and to make it super easy for those who have not got it yet,

Workgroup: Tessa :stuck_out_tongue:

My other two comps are called Nova and Stormcrow, an extra cookie if you can guess their naming patterns :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, they do exist. They pretty much loose their implied meaning if you translate them, but they mean “time watcher” and “time chronist”.

Sharl: Your 2nd naming scheme is Mechwarrior based.

My PC is Eurasia and will stay as such until I can make it stop crashing while playing EVE Online, my router is Neo-Arcadia.

Bitch. As in “stop crashing you bitch!”

Apart from that it’s called Cadell.