does your pc have a name?

throws computer out the window.just for the heck of it and as an old gag, throws cat out the window


I call my printer Shredder, for obvious reasons.

Don’t get me started on the printer… It pulls five or six sheets at the same time, jams the damn paper, makes a hell of a noise… and some wiseguy keeps pulling the plugs on the cables.

Oi… my printer talks to me… >.>;; it tells me to have a nice day…

Her name is Luce.

My soon to be owned computer’s name will be Narisha, after the main character in a manga I’m making. The family computer’s name is Yoriko. Our laptop is named Blehky (Wanna guess why?) , and my dad’s computer is Ekenchi.

When you think piece of crap is a name, what would you say if your parents gave you “name”??

A pc has feelings, don’t be so cruel! :fungah:

edit: …gave you THAT “name”
maybe i should read my posts before i post them, but i cannot read :runaway:

After what this computer has put me through, it deserves no kindness from me.

If I was named Name…hmm, nah, that’d suck. I’d rather be called Your Name. That’d be more fun. ^^

Mew Mew is my computer, but its being repaired right now

I’m going to get a new computer. What should I name it?

The computer i’m using now is named Delly. You know because it’s a Dell computer :moogle:

My comp’s name is Odin, for no particular reason.

call the new one yuna.

or mister.[STRIKE]chewy chewy gumdrops[/STRIKE]

heavy square?

:moogle: i hate to see what you name your chidren.

hey at least im creative!
all of you mogs have the same name.

My computers name is microsoft. :mwahaha:

I’m thinking about naming my tablet pc Luca. Mmm, sexy goth demon chick.

I’ve been thinking of calling mine DEUS. Because it’s EEEEEEEVILLLL!!! :eek:

luca is sexy???
its an ordinary boring name

The first PC: 486

  • Una.

The Second PC: 200mhz 32 ram

  • Deux.

The Third PC: 500mhz 28 ram

  • Julain.

The Fourth and Current: 1,4ghz+, 256 ram

  • Zoliphian.

(Family Guy) It’s mah sex box! And her name is Sony!

I’ve never met anyone in real life named Luca. And I was refering to the character more than the name, hence my saying: “Mmm, sexy goth demon chick.”