Do you think...?

You know the drill, read the question, cast a vote.

You’re being a prick, you know that? Chris-Chris and Orakio would probably be pretty happy without someone telling them what people are saying in private. They don’t need some fucking spy, or anything. In fact, they shouldn’t care what Steve, or the fucking Pope, or ANYONE says behind their back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cyber, I already due to other matters think you are a twat therefore, anything you say to me I don’t hear anymore :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
Cyber, I already due to other matters think you are a twat therefore, anything you say to me I don’t hear anymore :slight_smile:

Well, while I am telling the truth, you are just yelling and carrying on about something that you shouldn’t even be upset about. I say bad things about Metallica all the time, but Steve doesn’t send them an e-mail telling them all the “horrible” things I say of them.

Ever heard of loyalty? Or friendship? Maybe you should get your dick out of your CD player and try it.

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
Ever heard of loyalty? Or friendship? Maybe you should get your dick out of your CD player and try it.

There is a big difference between friendship and what first grade teachers like to call “tattling.”

And putting my dick in my CD player in the first place would hurt, so it is not necessary for you to tell me to remove it. Thanks, though!

I’ll say what I want, where I want. Be that infront of, behind, beside, ontop, underneith, or in some odd inner dimention around the person I am talking about. I take no shame in taking good or bad about someone, as I will do it weither they are around or not.

People get what they disurve, as I do, and as I am sure, we all do. If you don’t like it, well, you’re free to say something to my face or the back of my head ^^


That’s gay. Regardless of the fact that it was a public forum (the chat room), it was a conversation between a select few people, and emailing shit like that to people being picked on behind their backs does nothing but stir up unneccessary trouble.

Why you did this, I don’t know, but what you did was stupider than what those in the chat room did.

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
Ever heard of loyalty? Or friendship? Maybe you should get your dick out of your CD player and try it.

This would require us to be friends with Orakio, which we are not in the least. So therefore, why would we be loyal to him? We shouldn’t? Oh, now it makes sense. Since we don’t like him, then why should we be loyal friends to him?

God Seph. They’re opinions. If you don’t like them, ignore them. Don’t bitch about them.

Maybe I want people to stop bashing on my friends? And maybe “tattling” will stop that. So if I have to squeel on every last human alive to stop it I will.

Yes, they should stop. I cannot say that I have an enormous amount of respect for the couple in question, but any slander towards them should not take place in the RPGC chatroom. If they want to do it, then let it be elsewhere or in private messages.

For reasons like this why I wish that the ignore list here in the MBs worked.

And yeah, perhaps people should stop bashing us behind our backs and say it to our faces instead. Takes a whole lot more courage to do it like that.

Why is that? Is RPGC not a public forum for us to converse about whatever we desire to talk about?

The thing is- I wasn’t bashing anybody. I didn’t say anything against either of them. Steve was only bashing on them to piss YOU off (and it worked), and some other people made passing comments- which were the things that got you angry, I am guessing. You are taking this way to seriously.

And I know some of you coughstevecough would never have the balls to do it, I think Orak has a good suggestion, maybe then I wouldn’t have to do shit like this.

I don’t like ham with mustard.

Originally posted by Sir Percival
Yes, they should stop. I cannot say that I have an enormous amount of respect for the couple in question, but any slander towards them should not take place in the RPGC chatroom. If they want to do it, then let it be elsewhere or in private messages.

Behold a wide man speaketh.

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
And I know some of you coughstevecough would never have the balls to do it, I think Orak has a good suggestion, maybe then I wouldn’t have to do shit like this.

Actually, Steve has definately said things in front of Orakio, as have I. You can look them up right here in the forum if you want. Go ahead.

Orakio- I just want you to know that Seph is taking this WAY out of proportion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Frankly, no. Everyonme talks behind peoples backs, it will always happen. I know people talk behind my back and frankly I don’t give a fuck, I also talk behind peoples backs. It’s a fact of life, deal wih it.

Funny, why did I make this thread because of him doing it in the chat then?