Do you give blood?

I gave blood yesterday, and even though they fucked up and made me wait an extra hour while they figured out that I WAS eligible to donate, I’m glad I did. So I’m jsut a little curious, who around here actually donates blood at all? For that matter, does anyone here even know their blood type? When I put my information down, I noticed that out of sixty donations so far, only two other people besides me knew what their blood type was. (I’m B+, by the way.)

I keep meaning to but never seem to find the time. 8-(

Oh yeah sure I give blood all the time.

No wait, I’m gay; I forgot that they don’t want my blood!


If instead of human blood you find a deadly corrosive acid, you’ve got a gay.

Thanks to apparently having too many tattoos and to much time around depleted uranium rounds, I can’t anymore, and never did before such things.

Wish I had deadly corrosive acid. :frowning:

I tried to donate before because I heard they needed my bloodtype badly, but they wouldn’t take it because I’d had a migraine the day before. Because they were concerned that I’d pass out. Yeah, I can endure mind-bending pain, but bloodloss? Nahhh.

The blood of my father and my father’s father that courses through my veins is for me and my progeny alone.

I donated blood once in HS my junior year. Tried again the next year, but couldn’t; temp/bp was too high or something. Then, after HS they kept calling me and pestering to go donate again cus I was in their system. So, I’d make an appointment, drive my ass 45 minutes to the blood center, do all the little test, and couldn’t donate, don’t cha know? (bp or something). So I leave. Few months later same thing; call me to go, make an appointment, get there, do test… and can’t donate again. Third time this crap happened, I just about snapped. Told them to stop wasting my time like this. Don’t bother me at home to come in and donate, only to not actually donate that day. It was always something or another with those people (your temp was 102, your hematocrit wasn’t high enough, your mitochlorian count was too high, or some crap). I told them either to let me donate everytime they get me to go in, or to take my name off the list & stop bothering me. So they did. Then I started working for IBR Plasma Center & was allowed to donate plasma as well (twice a week, for almost double of what ‘normal’ donors where getting, so ha ha…).

Stupid IBR… they can bite the hairest part of my @$$…

I can’t, due to various toxins I’ve been exposed to.

I don’t donate blood, but to make up for it I volunteer at blood drives and stuff.

The question is not whether I give blood, but whether I take it :vampire:


:hyperven:I don’t think I’m even eligible to give blood.

Apparently, this area is a lot less strignent about requirements. Although they do that whole “ever been out of country in a danger zone/had sex with a prostitute/whatever” spiel, as one worker admitted, “If you can walk in, we’ll take you.” Guess I live near one of the bgigest blood banks in the state. THey want a lot of donors.

I don’t know if I’m eligible, and I’ve honestly been too busy (read: lazy) to go find out :confused:

Did it once during a blood drive in high school. Didn’t feel enthusiastic enough to do it the second time around when I found out I was AB+

In my darker moments I’ve been so desperate for money I’ve considered doing it just for that. Supposedly you get paid 40 bucks per pint or something like that.

You know, I have never seen any place around here that will buy blood. We donate, that’s it.

:thinking:How old do you have to be?

Not sure but I think it’s 16, with a parent’s consent until you turn 18.