Did someone close to you ever commit suicide?

I did have a friend who tried to kill herself…although there’s no logical reason why, I felt partly responsible for not being there for emotional support when I knew she was having problems with her home life, (I had just quit regular school and gone into homeschooling.) And then there was my best friend who died in a non-suicide related accident, which still seems like it happened yesterday, even though it’s been 6 years.

A friend of my mom’s attempted it once. Old college friend of hers who lived in an apartment in S.F. I think it was a pill overdose attempt.

The guy has since passed away from long-degenerating health (end of May), but in a way that might be a suicide attempt too; just longer than what we tend to think of as a suicide attempt. Blowing money on drugs and useless crap for years, blowing through a pension, not getting a job, living in filth, just totally degenerating, wallowing in self-pity, facing eviction at age 60, smoking like a fiend even after at least one heart attack/surgery.

There was really nothing to do for the guy since he wouldn’t help himself, all anyone who knew him could do was sorta just recognize that he was gonna die and soon, and just brace for impact and/or pull away from him (abandon him? give up on him?) because failure to do so would just set you up for more misery. Of all his family and friends, I think my mom and dad were the last to give up on him. They actually found his body when they went over to help him pack up his stuff into boxes, and there’s still a phone message on our answering machine from him (he called my mom CONSTANTLY. Like several times a day. Called regularly for years. Kinda weird to think he won’t call anymore, still. Also weird to think about how aside from those daily calls, how little an impact it’s made around here, at least for me. I figure mom and dad were emotionally braced for his coming death (though not, I’m sure, for being the ones to actually find his body).

A suicide attempt doesn’t just screw you up, it screws up everyone who knows you, in ways you’re too wrapped up in your own misery to fathom. There’s been accidental deaths of people my age, but never anyone I really knew closely. I’ve been damn lucky, I suppose.

I just figured I should throw some sort of personal experience into this thread to balance out my acerbic attempt at philosophy (which might strike some as some sort of flame). :smiley:

Originally posted by demigod
Elucidate, please.

I meant like,if you’re religious which would you be more prone to believe in, God’s teachings or an online quiz result. Ding ding ding.

I’ve tired before, pill overdose.

It’s just that everything seems so… hopeless, and you really feel there’s no way out. IT’s hard to describe actually, it’s unique to each person, problems, emotions about it… common, maybe. But still unique.

The only thing that gets to me about it is people telling me that they wished I succeeded. I’m remembering one person who told me that I should have died. Online. They didn’t even know me.

One person I’d love to be a vicitm of the gene elimination squad.

That’s the only thing that gets to me. “Why don’t you go kill yourself?” Say that and pray I don’t find you.

A relative committed suicide, although I wasn’t really sad or anything. I mean, death happens all the time… I guess I was just heavily desensitized as a child. :smiley:

Originally posted by Evangelion
I meant like,if you’re religious which would you be more prone to believe in, God’s teachings or an online quiz result. Ding ding ding.

I still don’t know where you’re getting this online quiz stuff from as I said it’s not from there :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, Dante’s not the oracle of god, Kaiser, but that’s the point. Why would you have any more reason to listen to Eva than him? She can’t decide whether or not they’re punished for suicide.

Grr…well I was…referring to other online hell tests! Yeah!

And no I cant decide because I don’t know. That was basically my whole point…it was a question posed to anyone who could answer it and Demigod basically did.

Oh. Guess I missed that or forgot it after reading it.

No offense SS, but most pill overdoses aren’t real attempts at suicide and more of a cry for help. If you really wanted to end you life, you could very easily.

Heh. That’s very true, but it still can be just as fatal. I never really thought about it. I just did it.

My ex-girlfriend tried to take her life several times, she tried to drink herself to death once, tried to cut her wrist but cut them wrong and ran away a few times, to be found in the gutter…
and this all happened after we broke up, you can’t imagine the guilt i felt even though she broke up with me but then she got regrets and wanted me back but i didn’t want to… that really got me to the edge

Nope. No-one has tried to commit suicide in my circle of friends, relatives, or people I know well. They usually come to me if they have problems. Yeah, yeah, yeah…I am not the counselling type, but compare me to my friends, and you’ll have second thoughts!

The only time anyone close to me has died is when my friend’s brother died from brain damage during surgery…he and I used to hang around together…aah, memories…gone to waste on stupid doctors who let him die!!!

…There, I am done. You may now continue to ignore me.


Originally posted by ~Kasumi~
…There, I am done. You may now continue to ignore me.

~Kasumi~ [/b]

so, we were ignoring you… but ehm what if you get depressed?
and suicide… we would be having a guilt feeling forever. 'so fuck the ignoring… no one likes to be ignored

Originally posted by yoshmeister
What is your reason Charle?, and why have you stopped posting, and coming to the chat?
Thats my bidness.

I never actually knew him, but aparently my dad’s brother committed suicide, by hanging himself. Although, my dad actually doesn’t think it was suicide, if you know what I mean.

Four close friends of mine have killed themselves. 2 other people I knew for a short time also killed themselves. So, I guess I have.

Shit Alyx, that’s bad. You okay over it? I think for something like that you shuold go see a shrink, that stuff can fuck you up. No one has ever done something like this near me, nearest thing is me cutting my arm a bit, for reasons I cannot nor wish to fathom.