Developing Dissida Details

What genre exactly is Developing Dissida? Is it a fighting game?

One player PowerStone. Kinda like the PS2 DBZ games.

i.e. flying around beating the shit out of someone so that you can build up power to really beat the living shit out of someone (at least you’re not restricted to good vs. evil).

What happened to Chaos’es balls?:eek:

So its like a single-player fighting game?

Originally Posted by That handsome devil from three posts ago
One player PowerStone.

To clarify PowerStone is of the same genre as Smash Bros.

And so depending on whether SSB is considered a fighting game or not, then YES, it is most definitely a one-player fighting game.

There are reports that this game also employs an RPG type leveling system, but then again so did Soul Caliber II and it’s still considered strictly a fighting game (though that’s not to say that it isn’t going to more fully integrate an RPG type leveling system than SC2 did).

PowerStone or fighting game, either way it won’t seem right if it doesn’t have at least a couple of ‘secret’ characters. I’m not saying it should have an extra character from each of the games represented so far, that might make the character selection screen a little messy (unless of course they have two screens, one villains, one heroes). What they could do instead is have some characters and such that cross between the series, a moogle for example (not sure how it would translate to a fighting game though). Or maybe represent some characters not from the main series, such as Marche from Tactics Advance (just using them as they were the first example that came into my head).

Either way though, this game seems to look better and better every time I see a new trailer or screenshot. Also, loving the fact that Zidane AND Kuja are in the game, best character news so far (IMO). Just hoping that Square-Enix can deliver with the voice acting for it’s (hopefully) western release. Oh and I’m hoping the battle system isn’t of the button mashing type…in my opinion that would massively damage what could have been a mind-blowingly-awesome game.

Sorry to keep harping on this because I’m too lazy to look these things up by myself, but are “Powerstone” games known for developed stories? Is Developing Dissida going to actually have an interesting story with a fair amount of dialogue, or is just gonna be a fighting game where if you play through with each character you get to see a crappy ending? In other words, for someone who only cares about story when it comes to videogames, is there anything to warrant buying it when it does come out?

Originally Posted by Curtis
Sorry to keep harping on this because I’m too lazy to look these things up by myself, but are “Powerstone” games known for developed stories? Is Developing Dissida going to actually have an interesting story with a fair amount of dialogue, or is just gonna be a fighting game where if you play through with each character you get to see a crappy ending? In other words, for someone who only cares about story when it comes to videogames, is there anything to warrant buying it when it does come out?

PowerStone had no story worth speaking of (and neither does SSB for that matter). And as for Dissida. No. This is mainly a crossover for the fans.

The “Story” so far is that two deities Chaos (of FF I fame) and Control or something (can’t remember her name right now since she’s the only original character so far Edit: nevermind, it’s Cosmos) are leading the combined forces of Good vs. Evil (i.e. a protagonist and an antagonist from FFs I - X) in what is basically a fanfic level throwdown.

Btw, this game already has twenty characters in it (and it’s looking like most if not all of them will be playable) so there’s not much of a chance for secret characters. But with that said, imho, if they were going to have a secret character in this game it had better be Gilgamesh (he has the best chance of showing anyway). That or I’m not buyin’. >_<

Editor’s Note: To clarify, the game is called Dissida Final Fantasy not Developing Dissida. The Developing part was in reference to the news about the game being reported as the situation (or game in this case) developed. Hopefully this should answer all of your questions.

It’s called Dissidia, rawr.

But this is where you err. Come, sit down by the fire and hearken to my story. In the beginning of time, before humans fully developed, they could only catch glimpses of the gods’ true purpose. This was a miserable time and brother beat brother. But humans grew stronger and they were gifted with two powerful weapons: One was Street Fighter II and the other Mortal Kombat 2. Lo, and what Baraka giveth Chun Li taketh away. And brother would reach a balance with brother, unless one brother was that bad.

And both would play Double Dragon and praise the gods and sing curses when they lost barely before beating the game. And time passed and the brothers, grown strong on Nintendo IPs, would play fighting games for their quest modes, as their brother had moved to the Caribbean. But let it be known that all this is but a trial so calluses grow stronger and fingers nimbler and brother can beat his brother’s character with the most humiliating character in the whole game. This I confess to be true.

You can replace brother with sister, cousin or that neighbour you (never really) liked.

Ohh! I wanna see THAT game!

DISSIDIA RAWR: A Fighting Game for Final Fantasy Monsters!

I wanna be a Marlboro! :hahaha;

A-Hem Seriously now, Dissidia probably won’t have as much of a story as an RPG. Still, I hope it’s a little more than “Two gods picking their favorites and forcing them to fight.” (The hint that Cosmos might not really be good is an interesting one. Of course, it was the villains claiming that.)

And who knew a Cloud (of Darkness) could look so hot? Woo!! :stuck_out_tongue:

From the bits and pieces I’ve been gleaning, it sounds like it’ll have far more of a story than your generic fighter might, but nowhere near as much as an RPG would.

Argh, I might just have to buy it for nostalgic value, and because Final Fantasy has made such an impact on me that I even want to know the minor things that its characters do. Then again, I would have to buy a Playstation 3 first. Or is for XBox? :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s for the PSP.

Also after checking the link I had posted previously I have found that the pictures there were removed due to a cease and desist. Doh! Here’s a new link sans the c&d pics.

PSP? Wow, its been ages since I’ve been into gaming news, let alone actually bought a hardcopy of a videogame or gaming system. I think the last time was Final Fantasy 8 in 2000. I have a lot to catch up on.

Wowza. O_o Don’t even bother trying to catch up, you’ll never be able to.

Originally Posted by Curtis
PSP? Wow, its been ages since I’ve been into gaming news, let alone actually bought a hardcopy of a videogame or gaming system. I think the last time was Final Fantasy 8 in 2000. I have a lot to catch up on.

Hopefully you’re not a fan of Sega they lost the console wars.

Sorry. Couldn’t resist. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t that what the FF Compendium is for?

Plus the way Sony is handling things, all the FF games will eventually be rereleased/improved/sequeled/prequeled/crossed over/you get the idea. (I keep waiting for an improved FFVI!)

Well, I guess he can “catch up” by finding out what’s been released, but not by actually playing everything!

FF6 did have a GBA port with some extra content and a new translation, so that’s arguably “improved” depending on who you ask. 8p

And here’s yet another video.

Though it’s largely recycled from other videos the images are much clearer now (you can finally make out Cloud’s sword in the scene with all the heroes, among other things), but more importantly we finally get to see Cecil (who want’s to have his cake and eat it too), Butz (with no weapon of his own), Tina (in Beast Mode Yay! Transform and roll out. Summon looked cheezy though), and Cloud (duking it out in the awesome Jenova SINTHESIS battlefield) all in action (Golbez though Sephiroth as well) brief though it was.

Art: Bartz and Exdeath

Art: Terra and Kefka

Art: Cloud and Sephiroth

Subbed version

Here’s the gathered cast, also notice the number of limbs Chaos has.

Narrator Bunta Sugawara

Warrior of Light: Toshihiko Seki (Duo, Gundam W; Cid of FFU)
Garland: Kenji Utsumi (Alex Armstrong, FMA)

Firion: Hikaru Midorikawa (Hiiro, Gundam W; Clear of FFU)
Emperor: Kenyuu Horiuchi (Pain, Naruto)

Onion Knight: Jun Fukuyama (Leouch, Code Geass)
Cloud of Darkness: Masako Ikeda

Cecil: Harvey Shizuma Hodoshima
Golbez: Takeshi Kaga

Bartz: Souichiro Hoshi (Masaru Daimon, Digimon Savers)
Exdeath: Taro Ishida (Triton, Kingdom Hearts)

Terra: Yukari Fukui (Nia, Gurren Legann)
Kefka: Shigeru Chiba (Buggy, One Piece)

Cloud Strife: Takahiro Sakurai
Sephiroth: Toshiyuki Morikawa

Squall: Hideo Ishikawa
Ultimecia: Atsuko Tanaka (Rosso, FF7 DoC)

Zidane: Romi Paku (Edward Elric, FMA)
Kuja: Akira Ishida (Zala of Gundam SEED; Makenshi of FFU)

Tidus: Masakazu Morita
Jecht: Masuo Amada

Cosmos: Sumi Shimamoto (Isis Ishtar, Yu-Gi-OH)
Chaos: Norio Wakamoto (Xemnas, KH2; Al-Cid of FFXII)