Dear OPs, this is a request that quite many may relate to.

Dear OPs, STOP KICKBANNING ME FOR NO REASON IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE BORED! This has been going on for quite some time now. And yes, other people are getting ticked aswell.



Middle of the night . . . middle of the day.
It doesn’t freaken matter. I’m sick of getting banned as well.

There’s been more OP abuse in the last couple months than anyone should have to put up with.

I am Sick and tired of coming home from work or waking up to find I have been banned for no reason at all
Hell, 2 days ago I was banned cause an OP was pissed at someone else and kicked me cause i wasn’t there.

I see too many rule violations going and NOT being delt with properly. What the hell is going on? I’m actually tired of being in the channel because of the crap that has been going on.

it’s so bad that gamesfaq is starting to look good. that is sad because I was one of the persons that made our transfer from rebellion to what we have now possible. If it weren’t for me this whole frikken site would have eother had to start rrom scratch or rely on the little info the shrine holders actually had saved. Merlin knows what I’m talking about.

steps off the soapbox and wanders into real life

/cs clear #rpgclassics users

DN, I accidently banned you because I auto-completed a nick with D once too much and you were the next D nick in line, SORRY :stuck_out_tongue:

We need the old ops back!!!

Appology accepted TD.

but it still doesn’t escuse al the rule violations I have seen let slid lately. I know BN and I were “Rules Nazis” but we did let some violations slide but never to the extent I have seen lately. I hate to say it but things have really gotten out of hand lately.

I still fail to see how hard it is to type out /join #rpgclassics , I could understand if it took forever and a day to join the channel, but it doesnt, so why you all get your panties in a bunch I cant understand.

The only thing that really needs some attention is the fucking flamewars that erupt every 5 minutes, agreed. But most of the time people manage to get it out of their system without resorting to calling eachother gay faggot noobs, so meh. If you want us to start more strictly enforcing all of this shit again, I’m fine with that, but don’t be surprised if the room is suddenly very empty.

And if the joke kicks/bans really bother you that much while you’re IDLING, sheesh :stuck_out_tongue: This is the first actual complaint I’ve even heard of it besides from SG but he doesn’t like Fire Emblem so he’s stupid :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll knock it off a bit, but don’t get your genitals in such a knot over this :stuck_out_tongue:

Dissension if a bannable offense now, anyone who posted in this thread is a traitor and will be perm band, anyone who viewed this thread will be considered unloyal and will be banned.

Yourself included.

get my “panties in a bunch”??
Last I checked I was a guy, and that is a very sexist thing to say.

I don’t mind the occasionsal joke kick, but 3 days in a row that I come home from work and find myself banned is a little much.

no, I don’t want you to go nazi on us TD, I remeber being banned for 24 hours for saying “FUCK” 3 posts in a row. I see it from some 5 even 6 posts in a row and nothing gets done. all I ask is for some equality.

Or is it okay to swear on every post now?

Anyway, I’m done complaining. This is my last post in here under the current perameters.

Edit: LOL Chuh huggles da Hat

Random bans make me sadz0r ;_;

Noting back to my post about getting banned with the tag: “pwned!” as the reason.

I think it would help everyone if the people who kicked members actually gave a reason. I know what I was doing was worthy of the kick, but it just said “pwned” what the fuck does that mean to me if I just get kicked?

It would prevent things like people getting ticked over “why the hell did I get kicked?!” and such. At least that way it seems like you are being a semi-mature OP and arent doing it cause you can.

You were not banned, stop trying to blow shit out of proportion. You were kicked, huge ass difference there.
Edit: Since you knew what you were doing was wrong, I’m assuming zep did too. Oh and “Pwned!” is a script used by the ops.

Izlude, you’re a gay faggot n00b. We’ve all been pwnd by Zepp at some point in time. It’s just the damn script he uses.

I say we just ban everyone on the chat for a week. See how much complaining we do after we realise how much we miss it.

This doesn’t apply to me, naturally, since I won’t be able to use chat until DECEMBER. ;_____;

Please, all this complaining won’t get you anywhere. …Has it yet? I think NOT!

So very true. I’m so sorry I even bothered.

Guys, this kind of shit should only be done to people you know <i>for sure</i> will take it as joke. It wasn’t even all <i>that</i> funny in the first place…


yeah, I think im going to get in the boat of not going back to the chatroom. Its not really worth it, all the flaming that goes on takes away from any real conversations that COULD happen there. It suxxorz.