DDR madness ... and broken wall

Dance Dance Revolution has been out for years. I dont’ see the point, but that would have been fun to watch.

It looks like the bastard sibling of that game where you have to put yout hands and feet on different colored circles and end up all tangled up… The one that kills people. Whatever it’s called…


At least DDR doesn’t result in twisted spines…

Twister fucking rules. You guys must have never expierenced playing twister with the opposite gender while midly intoxicated. Although why a bunch of guys would play twister together in the first place, I dont know.

I’ll play twister unintoxicated. I prefer to know who I’m feeling up. Mweheheheee…

Man, that looks like a kickass party.

Dude, if it’s breaking a wall, it IS a kickass party.

I said mildly intoxicated, thats like buzzed, not half drunk or anything.


Yeah i’m the guy wearing the white shirt with all the japanese symbols ^^; We had fun… We got another party coming up next weekend. Other priceless DDR moments and more pictures to come =)

Originally posted by Drak
Yeah i’m the guy wearing the white shirt with all the japanese symbols ^^; We had fun… We got another party coming up next weekend. Other priceless DDR moments and more pictures to come =)

To think some people might say that we’ve done enough damage…

NEVER!!! Next time will be in a basement with a firm ground

Man, I was hoping Sin was going to trip and fall through drywall, what a ripoff.

Originally posted by Drak
NEVER!!! Next time will be in a basement with a firm ground

I hope so.

that video rocked…how bad did you break the wall?

It’s interesting to see glimpses of real, non-internet life around here… and a bit strange. I never knew how to imagine how you looked (except for Sin, who is Tommy’s idol), and I never imagined you speaking French when all I see here is English (and I should have known it anyway, and no i don’t visit the foreign language board).

It looks like you guys are having so much fun!

Too bad I didn’t get to go (again)…

Oh well. sniffle

…Will there be jello at the party next weekend? <.<

Sin looked like Carrot Top.

Astral: There might be :wink:

Oh, and if I recall, someone said the following :
“It’s good that we have a girl in the pic, otherwise we’d look a little…”

That was me.

Well, I’ll be there next time … gotta bring the pads. But you guys weren’t there 2 weeks ago when we did a party at my gf’s cottage with DDR and beer. that’s pretty interesting trust me. the girls were 2 on the same pad hehe. And DV was staying alone in his corner. too bad for him…