Damn this hurts...

I’m not sure of the exact degree change of my spine RC. However, I did seem to “grow” two inches at first. After the rod let go and they had to operate again to reattatch it, I think they minutely increased it.

If there’s anything else you want to know about my scoliosis problems, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m actually quite willing to teach others about what I’ve been through.

It probably would have helped. Then maybe I wouldn’t have been changing my gauze every 30-45 min with a mouth full of blood >_<

Chris: I don’t care too much for jello, but I want something besides soup and mashed potatoes, so I think I’ll have my mom pick some up later.

Xelo: I sure as heck don’t plan on that happening :eek:

Why’d you have to get gum surgery Xelo?

Was your surgery done through your side, where they have to deflate one of your lungs, or did you get the “traditional” cut down your back?

They did it straight from my back. I have a giant scar there now, but I really don’t care. I’m not the type of person who shows off at the beach or anything. I actally hate swimming anyway :hahaha; .

Has the bleeding stopped yet, Cro?

Damn good question.

Yeah, pretty much. Though I still have some traces of blood in my saliva.

Don’t worry about it. That’ll be gone by tomorrow.

Just avoid somehow getting the stitches loose and you’ll be all set.

Long story short, last time I cracked my teeth, 3 of them had less than a milimeter showing.