Damn this hurts...

I got pain killers, but I’m supposed to eat something when I take them. :frowning:

Real men dont need food. They crush them up and snort them. 8D

Ooh right…well try a piece of bread and butter…?

Ok, I’ll give that a try. Thanks.

oh oh and it will probably be impossible to brush your teeth for awhile…that’s icky. I was told to brush my tongue because well after days of not brushing, it can get pretty nasty in there. Also try gargling with salt and water in a few days (ugh not now that’d huuuurt).

Dr Eva made her first housecall :open_mouth:

It’s things like this that makes me glad that I have perfect teeth… and my wisdom teeth are even coming in perfectly. ^^

Heh. Lucky you :stuck_out_tongue:

And thanks again Eva.

I used Jello to take my painkillers.

Perfect teeth are like perfect people, perfectly annoying :stuck_out_tongue:

My wisdom teeth are still in the bone, and not moving. I’m not complaining :stuck_out_tongue:

I am sure you’ll be fine cro, I mean, atleast you didn’t have to get dentures!


[QUOTE=BahamutXero]It’s a long story but here’s a short version:

I was diagnosed with a brain tumore when I was thirteen months old. I went through chemo and radiation to get rid of it. The part of my body that was raidiated was my spine. Now normally, that isn’t such a bad thing but scoliosis ran in my dad’s side of the family. I love her dearly but my grandmother looks like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Anyway, the hereditary factor plus the radiation casue my spine to curve too. When I was in seventh grade, (I’m a junior in college now) the curve in my spine was over 90 degrees. I had surgery to stretch my spine and had is fused together with a metal rod. A week after surgery the hook attaching the rod to my spine somehow broke loose from my spine. Let’s just say I’ve never heard myself screech before.

How much did the spinal fusion change your 90 degree curve? Reason why I ask is that my brother had the same thing done and (thanks to genetics fucking me over) I’ll probably have to have it done as well.

Oh yeah? On the first night my tongue wouldnt stay in my mouth. I was so drugged up, I couldn’t feel my tongue and I kept lashing it out at people all night trying to see it. I shudder from the horrors my mom tells me.

I still could’ve suffocated with all the spit and blood in my mouth that night. :wink:

But I know what you mean. I couldn’t feel any of my face on the first day, so I didn’t know if I had spit hanging from my mouth or not.

Good thing the bleeding stopped after two days, since all the drooling stopped after the bleeding did.

I haven’t had wisdom teeth myself, but try applesauce or Jello, Cro (a cousin had his wisdom teeth removed, so I know a bit about it).

All I’ve had is two of my front teeth taken out. Other than that, no cavities, no nothing.

haha yeah I had the drool thing going on too. I was as high as a kite, but all I could think about was how ridiculous I looked…but yet I couldn’t do anything about it.

Haha. Yea. I was high like a mofo too the first day. I kind of enjoyed it. =P

Really? I didn’t get high… I got cheated! D:<

Cro, you know where to get the goods. :stuck_out_tongue:
Well, I do anyway, its pretty much common knowledge.

All I know is that I have to go somewhere on broadway :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I was quite surprised you were in your right mind and totally aware enough to post, on the first day. I was stumbling around drooling with glazed-over eyes unable to hold my head up after my operation. here pro Cro was well enough to know what was happening, feel pain, and post all in the same day. Stupid dentists, what a rip off :\ It would have helped you in the first day.

When wisdom teeth are removed…


That’ll do it.

Baby! Get gum surgery, then see how you feel. There’s nothing worse than a few doctor’s cutting away at your gums and suddenly your anesthesia wears out!