Hi I’m new to the site. Okay maybe I should rephrase that. I’m new to the forum not RPGC Archive. And after reading this site for what must be like 10 years plus, (I was still in high school and was on my way to college at the time and now I’ve graduated with a BA in english) I glad that I found that you guys do C&C. I’ve tried subbmitting in the past and I was told my stuff was good but I could never find out why it was never added maybe after so many years and two rewrites I’m ready to try again. It’s nice not hear it nice I like what you did but then not tell me about major plot holes of doom that I only notice on my own read through weeks later or in one case as it was years later. I want to be told off about that kind of stuff. And I’ll be the first to admitt that I can get defencive about my work but I still need to hear. Also I have a question I have a fan work that is in screen play formate would that still be okay to submit since I have intentions of turning it into a novel form?
Hi Talaie. First of all…WELCOME TO THE AGORA!!! Nice to have you on-board. Secondly, I see you’re a writer. As you probably may already know (from reading this thread) much of the staff here have had some pretty bad experiences with some writers in the past, especially in the area of “constructive criticism.” You should be aware that if you post your work up here, it may be deconstructed and analyzed extremely closely… and the people here will be straight forward with there responses! You said you were defensive with your work; so I strongly suggest you read the following thread (link) completely:
Link: RPGDude’s Stories
Overall, I’m no writer… but I just thought it’s best you know this now, than later! I apologize in advance if I’ve offended you in anyway… but I mean well! Plus I don’t think anyone gives much (if any) feedback anymore. Good luck though!!!
Thanks helios19,
I’ve taken harder C&C from my college class mates than what RPGDude was handed so I think I can take what people are more than likely to give I also. What I ment by defesive was more to do with wild conjectures base on nothing in the story.:scooby: Had one to many of those from peer reviews. Sometimes I see how they got there and go O’ I should fix that other times I’m left staring at the page.
And, do you guys really hate script format that much?
Well, that’s good to hear. If you really want to improve your stuff and get valuable feedback, I suggest you contact Weiila! She is probably the most knowledgeable in this area. Perhaps she can help you.
Did they finally give up on spelling and capitalisation in English departments?
I’ll do that I’ve posted a fic on the forum I’m not sure how good it is. I trust my writing and all that. but the format is not one I use as often.
Now, is that the “constructive criticisim” this thread calls for?
I have to agree with Xwing here! I believe we should be more lenient in regards to spelling and grammar, as people from all over the world and of different ages would clearly be at different levels. I think simply guiding them would be the best start and if the insist on keeping old habits then perhaps a more direct approach may be necessary. I mean we finally got a writer after a long time… so we should encourage them, not deter them.
It’s not polite, granted, but my point that spelling and capitalisation matter is valid. The internet is full of books and fics. Bad spelling makes it look as if you don’t care enough about your work and there is the implication that if you didn’t care to check your spelling, it is unlikely you’d have cared to revise your first draft. Everyone is going to make a mistake here and there, but persistent bad spelling is for many people grounds to dismiss a text. Especially when the author claims to have a BA in English.
Yeah, you’re right! But like I said we should push them in the right direction and from there on the onus is on them.
I was just making fun of the ironic misspelling in the thread’s title.
Why would that prevent you from writing an angry riposte?