Ah. gesture of dismissal There are always those who prefer to think they’re brilliant, and ignore others who are trying to help them, even if their art/stories/music suffer because of it. Why do you think pride is one of the seven deadly sins?:thud:
Originally posted by Sorcerer
[b]Ok, whether or not people read this or not, I’m saying it anyway.Constructive Criticisim is 99% of what this forum is. It is a public forum - posting your work in such a place opens the doors for people to talk about your work. Some people are going to like what you make, others will not. Everyone will state what they feel about your work, and whether or not you like it or not, you should respect other people’s opinions about what they think of what you’ve made.
Further more, if someone offers you advice on how to make what you’ve made better, you should not only be glad that we care enough to take the time to peck out help for you, but be glad that almost all of us are putting it in a tone that isn’t shoving it down your throat. Let me add that disgruntled artists spitting our advice back at us will agitate us, ignoring our advice and you continuing to post work that seems to do exactly the opposite of what we’ve reccomended just means that you don’t care what we think, and hence meaning we completly wasted our time in trying to help you.
This does not please us.
If you don’t want advice or commentary either a) don’t ask for it or b) don’t post at all, because I 100% guarantee you that you’ll get it, whether you ask for it or not.
Lastly, those of us who are giving the advice, put the constructive in the constructive criticisim. That means put some thought in what you’re saying, don’t be a prick, just say something easy to understand and meaningful to whomever it may concern.
There, Im finished ranting. This was brought on by a number of recent people getting pissed off at us because we dont like what they’ve posted. [/b]
That was the worst rant I ever heard! Try some cussing, next time!
“CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM” is usually done by people with either patience, or at least some manners.
And then we have the “DESTRUCTIVE CRITISISM”, which is, if you bitch about someone, who’s actually new in writing fanfics too much, you might cause loss of self-trust and then, we might never know what he or she may get out, maybe something that’s a rival to the best fanfics on the site?
I’m glad I always get constructive critisism. I actually got two of my fanfics (one was seventeen chapters without Prologue and Epilogue) rejected, okay, I have no problem with that; CAUSE I KNOW WHY they got rejected. And I even got informed that, if I CHANGED THIS AND THAT, it would be on the archives.
People need to pay respect and attention to the people that give them advice, but maybe they’re arrogant, maybe have too much pride, but whatever it is, they won’t get anywhere with it, and THEY know it, right?(course they don’t)
Well we have our own shining bitch of evil criticism and all round assholery. coughSCPcough
If Sweet Cookie Pie ever comes back and still shows that attitude she’ll be leaving with a second boot imprint on her behind, that is a promise.
well…it’s my first day on the forums here, HI everybody! I decided to join because I was hoping for some constructive critisism on something I’ve just written, and considering what this topic is on, I considered that I could help kill two birds with one stone (critisism for me, examples of proper constructive critisism for everyone else). Anyway, my fic (which is just started and doesn’t really have anything besides some ideas which I’ve put down) is here for anyone who wants to read it, just say something and I’ll post it. I wasn’t sure as to whether I should just post what I’ve got or make sure that I wasn’t going to get flamed for either A) being a n00b or B) Posting an incomplete fic for review.
Don’t be afraid of posting your incomplete fics, people here are always nice. Even if some people sound harsh, they really just want to help.
As Weiila said, if anybody starts coming in here and yelling at others for the quality of their fiction, they have to face one very annoyed Weiila, so you’re safe here.
Well, you asked for it and I will oblige but like I said, it’s only bits and pieces. Oh, and ~~~~ “…Cloud tapped on the wall on the other side of the room and the guard looked away, Vincent, seeing his opportunity, dropped down from the rafter and put his clawed left hand through the mans through, breaking his neck and sending a high pressure jet of blood out of his mouth and the front of his neck. He was bleeding out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose as Vincent withdrew his claw and stepped over the lifeless corpse on the floor…”: “…Vincent and Cloud ran down a corridor from twenty (insert strange company name here) soldiers with Vincent slightly ahead as he was not weighted down with a huge sword like Cloud. They Rounded a corner and Cloud pulled out a grenade. “Where did you get that?” Vincent asked. Cloud said “off a dead soldiers body about two corridors back.” With that, Cloud pulled the pin and threw it at the soldiers, most were killed by the explosion and the rest were killed by the falling rubble that then blocked the corridor…”"…the screams of the soldiers soon died out as Cloud and Vincent headed through a door into the main control room of the building. Cloud ran up and placed a bomb on what looked like the main console…""…Vincent looked around the blazing room and saw the only door had been blocked by a burning cabinent that had fallen over. With no other alternative Vincent turned around and jumped out of the thirtieth story window. As Vincent was falling he saw a cord below him hanging from a window of the practically destroyed building. He grabbed on and held on for dear life as he swung out and back into a window on a lower floor that was not ablaze. He could only wonder as to how Cloud was making his escape…"DISCLAIMER THESE BITS AND PIECES CONTAIN VIOLENCE!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that there are way too many gramatical and spelling errors, sorry I apologize. Also, this was just off of the top of my head today, so I am sorry if something doesn’t make sense.
Hi and welcome to the board, Rodger. Don’t be afraid to post your fics, as Omega said people might be a little blunt sometimes, but we do mean well. The only reason that we ever get angry here at the media board is if somebody bashes somebody else for no reason, or somebody starts yelling at us for not loving his/her work immediatedly.
Tell you what about your story, I’ll copy the text and make a new thread about it, entitled “Rodger’s fanfic” or something, to make it easier for people to notice it. Don’t feel bad or anything, as you said you are a newbie and it’s alright to do small things like that. Don’t worry about it. I’ll drop some comments in the other thread, alright?
Originally posted by Weiila
only reason that we ever get angry here at the media board is if somebody bashes somebody else for no reason, or somebody starts yelling at us for not loving his/her work immediatedly.
HI Rodger, welcome. Look up a guy called RPGDude and you’ll see what we mean.
My only problem with critisism is not getting enough. It drives me crazy when I show someone something and all I get is wow it looks good. I depend on the critisism of others to help me write without it I wouldn’t know what is good about it and what’s bad so I’d be forced to continue writing it the way I write it. If someone suggests a change and I don’t make it I’ll give them a clear reason why I wan’t it to be the way it is. Just some babble that I felt like writing because I’ve been on edge about nobody saying anything after reading my fic but actually reading it. You know who you are. You can’t stop it from marking the views every time you check it out. Muhahaha.
Yeah, I hate that too.
I mean thanks to the moderators and the people here, special thanks to Weiila, my critisisms always are good about my fics, constructive I mean.
But the thing I DESPISE is that no one BUT Weiila tells me if it’s good or if they didn’t like thisandthat…
I have to open up a thread here on the boards to get comments.
This might seem like a stupid question, but bear with me, I’m new here.
The majority of these comments seem to be focused exclusively on fanfics. So the question is basically like this, in two parts.
Is music okay for this forum, and does it have to be game-related in order to be acceptable for posting? I know that a substantial amount of people listen to the kind of music I write, and I’m always looking for an outlet to get my music out.
This is the media forum. not the literature or fanfic forum. Everythings good. There are only so many stories around because they’re much bigger projects and stay around the top longer because of it. There have probably been more songs and poems contributed than there have been stories but they only get like 6 posts and then they are forgotten. Go ahead and poist whatever you write as long as it’s decent (not quality morally. Bad work being posted is good because it gives something for people to critisize constructively.)
Damn straight, people. I think with criticism it’s really important to praise anything that they’ve done well. Like for instance I subnitted a fic to Weiila once, Jerry Springer FF8 STyle, and it was in scriot format. I now look back and think, ‘Dude, what a shit heap!’ because that what it reall was. She emailed back, told me that she thought it was funny, and proceeded to tell me what was wrong witrh it. That really made me feel beteer. Thanks Weiila! ^o)
You’re welcome
Critism is what I deal with in my high shcool that I go to. I am use to it by now. I have a lot of practice my freshman year.
The funny thing about constructive criticism is that I never get any. All of my friends read my stories and all the do is gush over it. “Oh, this is so awesome! I can’t believe that you wrote this! I thought you’d be more into bloody rants about murder and mayhem!”
Gaaah! That drives me nuts! I’d rather have somebody tell me what to do better than that, anyday! The whole time I’ve had Dark Legacy up on this site, I’ve had only one letter from a reader, and it was gushing. (Don’t get me wrong CastevaniaGirl, it was greatly appreciated!)
But, if there was one thing I would really like, is to have my work reviewed in a responsible manner.
Soooo… Who’s read Dark Legacy, and has something to say.
Don’t all raise your hands at once…
Very constructive.