Christmas Saga 2

Wilfredo woke up to find himself sitting in a dark, cold cellar. He then realized he was tied to a support beam with strangely blue rope. Fortunately, a random rat came along and chewed through a small part of the rope, and Wilfredo pulled himself free. He grabbed his bag of neatly organized junk, along with the still-usable part of the rope. Finally, he broke the padlock off the cellar door using the hammer, and helped himself into the kitchen.

Galloway woke up the next cold, foggy morning to discover Elizabeth standing by the TV, impatiently surfing through the many channels. Gemini, meanwhile, was still snoring like some kind of annoying buzzsaw sawing through the twisted ankle of a young woman in her underwear.

Galloway looked down at the dead man’s wallet, and quickly came up with yet another plan to complicate things…

F. Galloway and Val woke up the next morning, shrugging off the freezing cold and smacking aimlessly into things. Finally, they regained their composure for more than five seconds, waited until Galloway’s parents left, and took their seats on the couches.

“I can’t believe he left us behind,” said Val. “I really wanted to watch him ruin that girl’s entire existance.”

“Well, what do you want to do for Christmas?” asked F. Galloway.

“I don’t know,” said Val. Then inspiration hit her. She quickly reached into the couchfold and magically pulled out pamphlets on a place called “Rock Gourge.”

F. Galloway scanned the documents, and let out an amused smile. “So, you want a vacation for Christmas?”

“Not really,” said Val. “It’s just that a large amount of gold, platinum, and assorted precious gems are going to travel by there in a week, and Glenton’s gonna be there to steal them.”

“…so you’ll kill him AND get a trip out of the deal,” said F. Galloway. “You’re one evil woman, you know?”

Wilfredo finally left the inn through the side door, carrying a roasted leg of lamb and a small sack. Cedric was sitting there, watching the front door. When he heard Wilfredo, he quickly turned on his claws.

“Oh, there you are!” he said. “I was just about to leave!” Wil cursed his bad timing. “Anyway, what’s in the sack?”

Wilfredo opened the sack. Inside were various gold and silver coins, as well as a few blood stains. “I figured they weren’t going to use them,” he said. “Especially after they open the little gift I left them…”

The inn then exploded, leaving debris everywhere. Cedric sadly shook his owl head. “You’re an evil, evil man, Wilfredo.”

Galloway, Elizabeth and Gemini drove through the many streets of Long Beach, soaking in the abscense of sun and gazing at the ocean hidden beneath layers of fog. Finally, they reached the neighborhood where Elizabeth’s brother lived.

The first thing to hit them was the smell of smoke, followed by the crackling of fire, followed by the burning houses. They quickly realized something was not right here. The sense of uneaese finally culminated when they reached the house…or what was left of it.

The entire building was blown apart, along with the nearby houses. Various bodies were also strewn about, left as nothing more than blackened skeletons. Elizabeth jumped out of the slowing car and ran to the house, nearly fainting at the sight. Galloway and Gemini followed after her, and came close to fainting as well.

Finally, they began their long, tiring search of the building’s remains.

(five minutes of searching later)

“There’s no sign of a bomb,” said Galloway. “This is getting pretty fucked up.” Elizabeth, meanwhile, was too distraught to care.

Gemini finally left the remains of the kitchen, holding a note. “Brother, I think you should read this.” Galloway quickly snatched the memo and started reading:

“We know what you are, Galloway. Follow the map on the back if you want to find us. PS: Your mom!”

Galloway steamed and crushed the note…just as the police showed up.

(to be continued)

I liked the snoring analogy myself…

Oh. Police. Wonderful. So now D’s gonna be guilty of blowing up police officers on top of everything else? :3

Weiila watched as the many lunatics marched below her. Their leader quickly took the stage, filled with sadistic glee. “Brothers and sisters, the time to battle has come! We shall start by erasing the most vile of creatures, ones that completely defy description…CATGIRLS!” The crowd erupted into applause and shouts as a small catgirl was dragged out in chains. She was ceremoniously carried to the flaming pit.

“We must prepare the way for the Lord!” said the head lunatic. “Now, we shall feed her to the flames of purification!”

Before the poor girl could be thrown in, the lights went out, and the flames instantly died. When they came back on, she was gone, and the chains were shattered.

Starstorm watched as the many nutjobs converged below him, holding a small catgirl hostage. Their nerdy leader took the stage, filled with sadistic glee.

“This catgirl is the creation of the Illuminati!” he shouted. “She must be destroyed!” They dragged her to the flaming pit, but the lights and fire went out, and the catgirl dissapeared again.

(to be continued)

… Rar. Either I do something really stupid soon, or I’m the evil mastermind behind this whole scheme. I did just contradict myself.

… We’ll see.

Okay…trying to kill people is one thing, but crimes against CATGIRLS?!

That’s it. EVERYONE DIES NOW! :scream:

So that gives us two groups who could be after Galloway’s new friend, Elizabeth. I wonder who will get to her first?

Confused I’m there…no I’m there…no I’m… :thud:

No you’re not.

I know it’s been a while since I made a good, quality update to this, but I’ve been busy on a life-draining biology project (which I’ll probably fail), and haven’t had time for writing about anything other than GMOs. Don’t worry, though; I promise you’ll have a hot, steaming chapter tomorrow.

Yeah, I guess “never” IS a pretty damn long time.

…You die now. kills Val in a horrifying manner that cannot be described without violating various international laws and regulations

Never is a few days?

They key words in gallos statement was good, quality which makes never a possible interpretation.

“It’s like I told you!” shouted Galloway. “The neighborhood was blown apart before I got there!”

The menacing cop remained unconvinced. He simply pulled out his nightstick, shut the door to the interrogation room, and smacked Galloway across the back of the head until blood started pouring out.

“We don’t like your kind around here,” said the cop. “With your fancy tails, and your cat ears. You people are a disgrace, boy!”

Galloway picked his head back up, rubbing the bleeding gash in his skull. “Great, another rascist, donut-shovelling cop.”

Once again, the cop whipped out the nightstick and bashed Galloway’s head in some more. After about a dozen wacks, Galloway slumped forward, bleeding from the ears. The cop put the bloodied night stick away and motioned to a small side door. Two younger, leaner cops came out, obviously nervous.

“Take the suspect to the holding cell,” said the cop. “And he hit his head against the bars if anyone asks.” The cops grabbed Galloway’s unconcious body and dragged him back through the side door.

GG climbed out of the luxorious guest beds, threw his clothes back on, and started searching the castle for Weiila and Starstorm. An hour later, he realized they weren’t there, and quickly phoned RPGCPD.

Poke was desperately searching for his real wallet when the phone rang. Needless to say, he answered.

“Hello? Yes, this is the RPGCPD. Oh, Weiila was kidnapped? Really, that’s not that uncommon. WHAT?! STARSTORM, TOO?!” Mitchell himself looked up at that, but Poke paid him no mind. “Okay, they were probably captured by evil ninjas working for shadowy and diabolical organizations, which want to use them as examples in their bid for world domination. Don’t worry, GG, let’s just gather the RPGC task force and find them.” He then hung up, and went back to looking for his wallet.

The cops threw Galloway’s body into the cell. He slowly returned to conciousness as the door slammed behind him. He climbed unsteadily to his feet, and saw Elizabeth and Gemini both staring at him, freaked out of their minds.

“Don’t worry,” said Galloway. “The wounds will have healed by Labor Day.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” said Gemini. “Thanks to you, I have a criminal record now. I won’t be able to work anywhere, travel anywhere, or do anything now! I’ll be a useless member of society!”

“…as if you weren’t already,” said Galloway. “Besides, we’ve been framed, remember? We just need to bust out of here, go where they told us to, and drag them back in a body bag.”

“But…how will we get out?” asked Elizabeth. “We’re in a cell, they have our car, and they’re putting a tracking chip on my ear in a few minutes.”

“Not a problem,” said Galloway. He raised his hand to the wall and paused. “You’re about to see why I’m not exactly…human.”

“Well, that was an amazing adventure,” said Wil. “I got a honeycomb after saving some bees, and befriended an ant colony. Now what?” Cedric, however, seemed to be thinking big thoughts, perhaps planning their next move, and was not in a talkative mood.

Sighing, Wilfredo looked at the desert to his west. Intuition quickly set in, and he realized that there was something important out there. As soon as he started walking towards the flaming sands, though, Cedric snapped back to reality. “Oh, there’s nothing but a big desert to the west! Most people avoid it, because it has bandits out there! Oh, if you’re going out there, I’ll wait for you here!”

Wil thought about making some owl fricase, but decided against it for the time being, and simply walked out into the desert.

About half of the south wall of the police station exploded instantly, sending smoke, debris, and all other manners of unspeakable things flying everywhere. The helpless masses huddled outside ran for cover as the many muggers, burglars, murderers, rapists, druggies, and speed limit violators poured out. Galloway looked blindly at the destroyed wall. “For the record, I did not mean to blow up that much of the wall. Now, let’s go!”

Gemini immediately jumped out, with Galloway holding the stunned Elizabeth behind him. Almost immediately, the cops poured out, brandishing various guns, clubs, and knives. Galloway simply raised his hand, though, and they ran off. One of them was even nice enough to drop the keys to Galloway’s car, which was conveniently parked by the destroyed wall.

Wil quickly used a NulHeat spell, but the barrier was almost immediately destroyed by the impossible heat. Panting, Wil retreated to a nearby cliffside, where he found a nice pool of fresh water. Behind the water, though, was a massive chasm, inside of which was an ancient temple, stretching high into the heavens.

Before he could examine it further, though, he heard hoofbeats approaching from the west. Wil quickly ducked behind a pair of large rocks, and watched as sterotypically-dressed arabian bandits rode in on magnificent horses. Oblivious to Wilfredo’s presence, they rode to the temple, where one of them disembarked. He grabbed an ornate staff from his saddle and approached the giant stone slab that constituted as a door.

He shouted, “Open sesame,” and tapped the staff against the slab. The stone instantly dissolved, revealing stretching darkness. The bandit ran inside with a heavy bag, then ran out just as the slab reappeared. He put the staff away and remounted his horse.

It was then that he saw his dead companion. And an impatient Wilfredo Martinez standing next to him, chanting a spell.

The three jumped into Galloway’s car and drove off, leaving the carnage of Long Beach behind.

“Sorry about what happened,” said Galloway. “I didn’t know someone would wipe out your entire family.”

“…how’d you do that?” asked Elizabeth. “You know, blow up the wall?”

“Oh, that?” asked Galloway. “It was just a matter of gathering ki and focusing it into a blast. Nothing too hard. Now, let’s head down to…wherever this map goes.” Gemini nodded in agreement, and Elizabeth simply looked out the window.

Wil grabbed the dead bandit’s cantina, then grabbed the staff. Suddenly having a burst of greed, he approached the stone slab and followed suit with the bandits. When he tapped the staff against the slab, however, the staff suddenly cracked and shattered, just as the door dissolved. The intrepid black mage quickly dashed inside, grabbed the closest item he could find (a large, gold bottle), and ran out just before the slab reappeared, sealing the temple forever.

This didn’t matter to Wil, though. He simply mounted one of the horses and rode back to the edge of the desert, where the sun was much more agreeable. The horse galloped away the instant he jumped off, but Wil didn’t give a damn. After all, he got a golden bottle out of the deal.

“…shouldn’t we be calling everyone?” asked Mitchell.

“First my wallet,” said Poke. “THEN, we worry about Weiila.”

Wil set foot onto the lush, green prarie just outside of the forest. He was far away from where he had entered, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, there you are. I was just starting to get concerned.”

His heart filled with horror, Wilfedo looked up…and saw Cedric sitting on a tree branch. Cursing his bad luck, he simply examined the area. The smell of manure finally reached him, along with the sound of a gruff gypsy man scowling at them. Sure enough, there was an ox nearby, along with a gruff gypsy man scowling at them. By the man and the cow sat a large wagon, with the words “Fortune Teller” printed above the door.

Curious, Wil started towards the door, but the gypsy man jumped into his way. “It will cost you one gold coin to see Madam Bushca!”

Wil simply handed him a gold coin from his sack. The gypsy nodded, and let Wilfredo enter the wagon.

(to be continued)

a fun story. now if only i could find soime sense in it.

What the hell do you wanna do THAT for? :smiley:

I’m loving it so far, d. But why did you let the cops beat the tar out of you, and THEN blew the place up? I’d expect you of all people to vaporize the idiot with the nightstick the moment he took a swing at you.

And I’m starting to see why people hate those King’s Quest games. XP

This is great!

Pokefreak is really a very practical person. After all, the main characters can’t die. I’m pretty sure it’s in the rules somewhere.