that they wouldn’t want a hoverboard? Seriously, let’s discuss hoverboards and their application in everyday life. I’m talking about the kind of board Zell was riding in FF8 before his first mission.
I, for one, would love to have a fucking hoverboard.
If you made me choose between a free sports car and a hoverboard, I would probably kill you for making me choose between such awesomeness and take them both. =P
I wanna have one so I can do tricks on it. I could do all kinda of spins and holds on it. And there could be hoverboard races and hoverboard duels. We could have guys on hoverboards with like, paintball guns, just shooting at each other. It would fucking OWN.
I used to think i’d be the dude who invented them, then i’d ride it to school and everyone would be like “Hey mike! I want one!”, but i’d be like “sorry losers, but theres only enough [rare metal needed to make it work] in the earth for one board! Hahaha!”, then i’d do a backflip and hit the boost and speed off. And everytime i went to the beach i though of how sweet it would be to ride one out into the waves and do tricks off of the curvature of the waves.