better rank titles

Don’t just go “Oh it’s Nethack, tune it out”, it’s actually a good idear.

Nah, that would bring ruin to the system of conformity before 1,000. HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE SHALL RAIN UPON US SHOULD YOUR IDEA COME TO THE LIGHT.

Go back to Vietnam

You make me cry ;_;

But you make everyone ELSE cry. And whose more important? You or everyone? You know the answer. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suggest we use Disgaea’s classes. I now leave others to figure out how to implement it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Me, obviously. Other people crying is hilarious. Point in case, every time I kick you in the nuts, you cry and I laugh like crazy.

kicks Pierson in the nuts See, you’re crying and I’m laughing.

Soon I will kill you.

Not very likely, what with me having your sister’s phone number and all, I can just have her kill you in your sleep or something.


He has both, so he still sucks. Having one fair anime bunched in with the all around worst anime is not a saving grace :stuck_out_tongue:

I think CH’s idea sounds decent. Change it around some and it would be awesome.

Personally I don’t care what the titles are, they’re just a stepping stone on the way to the custom title. So once you hit 1,000 posts THEN you can change yoru title to whatever you want :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be hard I think if they did you would have to start with prinnies and somewhere they would have to throw in super robot, sidekick and vassal

Never said it wasn’t. I like NetHack too. Never said it wasn’t a good idea, however interesting it is.

I just stated you played too much Nethack. How many times have you ascended so far?

don’t you think you people are a little harsh with the newb? poor guy . I have sympathy for him

Well fella, I hate to tell you but your a tad bit blind then. Cause right next to that inuyasha pic is a repeating gif of Super Spikey Haired Goku fighting that Metal Freeza transvestite guy. Unless of course, Goku and Freeza were in Inuyasha and I just cant remember shitty animes like DBZ…

It’s Made the Front Page

Oh Boy! Kids Like Pokémon. An I’m Doing Gold and Silver, better Work fast so that there is one influx, not two.

Indeed, That’s Bad when I don’t live too far from you… Cos If I upset dt i could end up dead or worse.

Big Nutter
Quad Quote Post - Lovely!

No, not really.

I’m only mean to people who need someone to be mean to them so they smarten up- kind of like a fairy god parent, only I’m more like the buttsex fairy.


WEll, “butt-sex fairy”, Freddie called to tell you that you ran out of lube. Roughly translated.

Tell him to check the fridge, I think there is some jam in there.
