better rank titles

you fool you! opened the gates of hell and you forgot to close them!! :moogle:

The thing with FF Tactics titles is that it’s hard to “rank” them from top to bottom. Who can really say a certain job class should be higher than the other? Especially when you realize that the only one that you really need to complete the game is Squire.

So we use Earthbound titles instead. They’re more fun, anyways. And we don’t have people saying “Ha ha, I’m a Knight and you’re a lowly Squire!”

Well, I personally am a huge fan of Earthbound, but I still think that I would rather be ranked by some idiotically disgusting hierarchy instituted by Merlimagne, based entirely off of whatever he found most offensive.

Or perhaps have some system, by which the Mods, in all their wisdom elect to give us titles as we earn them through clever and witty posts. Those inferior beings who fall below the Mods’ notice will simply tolerate whatever pre-fabbed mockery was instituted by Merlimagne, and those even sadder souls who are noticed will be cursed with ranks like “Spam-King Williker III.” And of course the only way to break the horrid curse will be to get beneficial attention or hit the magical 1k mark.

Now if only our dear benefactor, Merlimagne, would be willing to take the time to offend everyone on the boards with that personal touch that he usually saves for the little kids.

The next time you become an admin, miroku, we can conform to your standards. Until then, suck it up like a big boy.

You don’t reach bounty hunter for a lonnng time! Of course, I’ve been here a REALLY long time.

But that would result in everyone trying to make their posts funny. And you know what kind of humour small kids find most funny. Random humour. I don’t want to see that. Ever. Shame on your SOUL, Delita.

Just be glad the admins don’t create titles for you people based on your posting habits.

I blame kirokokori. She was the first, and now we’re getting a painful influx of preteens.

They shouldn’t be allowed to make topics if they’re under the age of 13.

I’m being nitpicky here, but for the record he doesn’t have a Dragon Ball Z sig, he has an Inu Yasha sig. Get your anime prejudices straight :hahaha;

Good point, consider my soul shamed. But then again they could get rank titles of humility for bad humor, like “Bad Humorist” or “Lesser Carrot-Top Impersonator”

Yeah Spoony, and of course Inu Yasha isn’t almost as bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

But she doesnt spam and isn’t nearly as annoying. >>;;

Dev, she double posted often in the past and she started a Code LYOKO roleplay which more than counts as spam, and I find her plenty annoying. >.>;

Well, in her defense, she has better grammar than some people almost twice her age that I’ve seen around. :wink:

Anfd whu thr fuck woukd tgat be!?!?!?

Does anyone else think this would be an awesome idea? Choose one of the classes when you join and then advance through the different ranks as you post (Gain levels).

Better grammar than 20 year olds? O.O

He spends too much time at GAFF.

And CH spends too much time playing NEtHack.

I wanna see what my title would be based on my posting habits.