Because he's turning a quarter of a century old today :O

Killmore: Whoops, I was going to wish you Happy Birthday too but forgot. Sorry! Hope you had a great BD! :victoly:

Ah, the 25th anniversary of the day you got kicked out of the womb. I guess it’s a good thing you didn’t stay there. I’ve seen pictures of you… you wouldn’t fit. :-\

Happy birthday!

I read about some woman who carried a fossilized fetus for 10+ years once. Fun times.

Much Merriment on your year as the fifth multiple of five.

Poor Killmore, you were overshadowed by celebrity.

I remebered. *Looks up proudly at the night sky."

Hades: you don’t even know why that’s funny :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh yes I do. I wouldn’t be laughing if he just spelled the words funny :stuck_out_tongue: I get the reference

Yay!!! Only a couple more quarter centuries and he’s pushing up daisies!!! O_o But seriously, have a happy b-day. :slight_smile: