Because he's turning a quarter of a century old today :O

Yeah, happy birthday and stuff.

-Wow, who wants to live till (1)26?
-He who is (1)25.

Bah, Youngin’

Welcome to my age!

Thanks everyone :smiley:

Klez: for some reason I was thinking about foc u sin last week. Can’t remember why.

Hades: you don’t even know why that’s funny :P.

Nulani: wins.

Zero: shit happens. You’re missing a GREAT dinner.

SK: man I KNOW! Its ridiculous. This year will be my 9th year at RPGC. How insane is that? I went through HS, college and part of med school and my PhD here.

Lunaris: Keep Zero and I in touch.

Curtis: same here. I still feel old.

TD: apparently not.

It’s all right, SK. High school girls still think Sin is 19 or 20.

Thank god.

That’s what Sin loves about high school girls. He gets older, they stay the same age. Alright alright alright.

I thought that was Zepp’s line. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m confluzzed and happy birthday Killmore!

you mean Sin is ONLY 25?? I though he was more my age. He certainly sounds crotchety enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday, youngster. :slight_smile:

You thought Sin was around 40 years old?


Actually that’s a line from “Dazed and Confused”… !

Happy birthday. Keep the science goin’.

Sin’s practically as old as sin itself. congrats, happy birthday, and all that jazz.

>O you SHOULD check your inbox. Grumble. Happy forum birthday, anyways. Shine! And have faith in sin. <.<

I actually thought zep wrote that until I saw your post

Happy birthday, man. :smiley: You think you’re old? Geez, thanks.

Read that you’re in RPGC’s History pages, read your character in The Final Saga and your replies to d_galloway’s story, so haven’t met you, but Happy Birthday anyway. :slight_smile: Hope it’s a happy one for you. (o:p


Happy Belated Birthday Sin! :cool: Provided that you haven’t been retired yet. (I need to get better at showing up on time for these things)

Lanyx: Thanks! (I think?)

RPer: Also Thanks!

Everyone else: :bowser:

Heh…I’m older than Sin. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday, whelp. :B

Happy Birthday, Dr. Sin!