Bad news...

…I’m back, mwahahahahaha!

My internet dialup plig thingy broke last Tuesday but I got a new one today, which means I return… and I don’t have to suffer school computers. So… hi again:wave:

Welcome back :slight_smile:

Welcome Back!!!

welcome back, o one i do not know…

Welcome, Gilgy!

Originally posted by Gilgamesh

My internet dialup plig thingy

internet dialup plig thingy?

It is national typo day. Or fathers day or something.

This new internet dialup plig thingy is a big black coily wire that goes all over the room and my parents keep tripping up. Ha!

Welcome back Gil.

Yeah school computers sux0r. Especially when they have crappy site blockers that block more informational sites than pron sites.

Our school computers block anything with the words like pawn and chat in the URL, they even filtered a website our science teacher wanted to use to show us something about the bladder.

Well our filter also goes for games so you can’t even go to (I hope I spelled that right)… Even though that’s sheet music for games.

meh, my school doesn’t really bother with filters, since so few of the people there are stupid enough to try and look at porn on a school computer. using School phones for Phone Sex Hotlines, however… -_-

Isn’t that absurdly expensive?

Originally posted by Gilgamesh
Isn’t that absurdly expensive?

Not when you charge it to the school. Thank God they found the idiot.

My high school didn’t have filters either. Instead we were only allowed to surf eductaional sites and the librarians wandered around like securtiy guards watching almost everthing we did. I once had to research an artist who did nude paintings on the side and I got yelled at about going the site because they thought it was porn. I was really upset about that because they knew I was only of the biggest goody-goodies in the school.

Now in college, they used to have this one small room called the Computer Rec room. It had one lousy PC and two Macs (gags). They broke down all the time because people kept putting shit on them. One day I just wanted to check my e-mail and went into the room and on the PC. After I clicked on the “Start” the menu filled with at least a dozen porn movies. I just shaked my head in disgust. Later that semester (this was about a year ago), they closed the room down and changed it into a Student’s Association workroom.

Why is Gilgamesh coming back a bad thing? From what I’ve seem of him, he seems pretty nice.

my school had dozens of computers in it(at least one in every room).

all but one were macs. i’m not dissing that kind of computer, but if i was given a choice between the two, i would, without a second thought, go with a pc.

Welcome back, I missed ya.

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
meh, my school doesn’t really bother with filters, since so few of the people there are stupid enough to try and look at porn on a school computer. using School phones for Phone Sex Hotlines, however… -_-

Still, there are exceptions. At my school, some people often used the library’s computers for that. They barged into h sites all the time and nobody seemed to notice.

Originally posted by Manus Dei
Still, there are exceptions. At my school, some people often used the library’s computers for that. They barged into h sites all the time and nobody seemed to notice.

And I say let them waste their own time. They aren’t hurting anybody but themselves, so why should we care WHAT they access on their computers?