Awesome Game Quotes

She is still insisting on perpatrating the lie that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq- The woman and the lying disgusting admistration of greed she works for is reponsible for the deaths of a lot of people- and you say my image of her in a jungle suit bothers you-the woman is a blight on all of humanity. i bet if you were alive in the 60’s you probably would have supported nixon and the vietnam war!

Colin Bowell’s tiolet? Who is Colin Bowell and what is his tiolet?

Son of a submariner!

/Obvious-to-come quote from Kefka, FFVI.

Somebody asked who Colin Bowell and his tiolet were.My reply is a person of minor importance from the news i was making a joke about.I guess i have to RESIGN myself to the fact he is old news.and remember , a famous woman once said, " Don’t think outside the box, think INSIDE the circle" -try to identify the famous woman that quote originated with.

“I’m like you. I have no name.” - Cyborg Ninja, MGS1&2
“…Right.” - Snake, MGA… constantly >_>
“Kuwabara kuwabara…” - Volgin, MGS3

Pretty much anything Minsc says in Baldur’s Gate II
Boo is his giant miniature space hampser

“Minsc- Yes! Lead evil by example, and one day we need no longer put the boots to those that stray off the path of goodness into the muck and bile of villainy and track great bloody footprints across our lily white tiles! Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards!”

“No! Boo is NOT for eating! Boo is mighty and wise and probably quite stringy. Er, and he is my companion!”

“We must inspire fear in evil! Quiet tales of hamsters are foolish, but a man and his hamster that tear evil limb from limb? That’s scary!”

“Valygar- Minsc… something about you concerns me…
Minsc- What is this? I am not hurt. Boo is not hurt. What is there to be concerned about?
Valygar- I find it odd that someone who fights so well is not entirely in posession of his senses.
Minsc- I have all the senses needed to put evil in its place, plus the added bonus of Boo’s keen hampser eyes. What else is necessary?
Valygar- Have you… considered seeing a priest, Minsc? Someone who might be able to heal your… uh… head wound?
Minsc- I have been seen by the best and by the worst, and all have learned that Minsc is Minsc is Minsc. I do good things for those that need them, why is there a problem?
Minsc- Enough, Boo tires of this debate. It is old and stale and pointless.”

No, I’m quite aware of who Colin Powell is, and he probably has a toilet. But I don’t know of anyone named Bowell, and I’ve yet to find the word “tiolet” in a dictionary, though of course I’ve frittered away hours of my life looking.

One of these days i have to buy a dictionary.i have a lot of trouble spelling words and when people read what i write if they can read it at all a lot of times they think i am a little kid.My husband loves the way i spell words though .Everytime he sees one he puts it in this note book he says he plans to publish some day as “Linda’s New dictionary of the English language”.Sometimes that man makes me so mad!But he has a good heart. He married me, didn’t he. ( gee , i hate to think what you guys would say if you saw an example my handwriting, my husband says he still can’t read it most of the time)I am a lot better at math though- my fun is working with my Pro Action Replay coding device to find item generating and other codes for SNES RPG’S.

Ahhh… BG2 is such a great game dialogue-wise.

Politician – In order to issue a complaint you must fill out a form and search for the proper code present in the law booklet…
Yoshimo – …of which you print only about a hundred copies and later sell those useless pieces of paper for a whole two hundred coins each. And then you call US thieves!.

Drizzt Do’Urden – Didn’t we meet in Baldur’s Gate?
Yourself – Yes, and I distinctly remember killing you.

Nice. So how long until you get to the part where you tell me I have to solve all this mess by myself? – Yourself, after the situation in Saradush is explained. Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bahal.

Any of the songs from The Bards Tale.

Dalton: Hey, thanks for the original dialogue!! But I still think the in-game English version was funnier. ^ ^

Oh it’s baaaaaaad luck to be you
The prophecy is never coming truuuuue
, etc.

Way to get it stuck in my head. @_@;

A Note About Mapping
In most text adventures, players are advised to draw
a map of the game’s geography as they explore its
locations. Mapping is a useful and sometimes essential
way to learn how to get from one place to another.
However, there are two places in Bureaucracy
where mapping will not help. One such place is
the Airport; like airports in real life, the airport in
Bureaucracy is a cartographer’s nightmare but a
bureaucrat’s dream. The other location where mapping
is pointless is in the numbered rooms in the Jungle.
(Don’t ask what numbered rooms are doing in a
jungle; just take our word for it that you don’t want to
map that area.)
Players who throw caution to the wind and insist
upon mapping the Airport and the Jungle will miss
the entire point of those areas. Such players deserve
the fate that awaits them. (Everyone else does not
deserve the fate that awaits them.)

From manual to Bureaucracy.

I’ve heard the first version so many times that I can sing it from memory.

Taken from Anachronox in game encyclopedia:

Canadia Dollar. Due to a freak of glactic commerce, this has become the standard unit of currency for the galaxy. Some areas still use non-digital money. The one-dollar coin is called a “loonie”, because it has a loon on the back.

Democratus. planet of overly-fair inhabitants, who vote on the smallest decesion. If they think they might want to go to the bathroom, they call two friends to decide.

“I’m in a box.” - Snake, MGS3: Snake Eater

“This’ gonna be a big splash. Hold on to your drawers and don’t piss in 'em.” - Cid Highwind, Final Fantasy 7

“I…It’s that stupid frog! Kissed any princesses lately?” - Magus, Chrono Trigger

“Is there a way to take off my pants?” - Snake, MGS3

Snake: “This reminds me of when we first met.”
Otacon: "I was inside the locker that time. We’re equal now, huh?
Snake: “Not unless I wet my pants.”
Otacon: “That’s a low blow, Snake.”

  • MGS2: Sons of Liberty

“I don’t care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it.” - Vincent Valentine, FF7

“But what fun is it if no precious lives are lost?” - Kefka, FF6

“Shut up Elena. You’re making me sober.” - Rude or Reno, can’t remember which, FF7

“Looks like Kya ha ha ha and Gya ha ha ha are up to something agian.” - Cait Sith, FF7

“I’m not having anyone talk about me in the past tense!” - Squall Leonhart, FF8


“Ahem. There is sand on my boots!” -Kefka, FFVI

“Power only breeds war… I wish I’d never been born!” -Celes, FFVI

“Why am I helping you? First of all: your beauty has captivated me. Second, I’m dying to know if I’m your type. I guess your abilities would be a distant third.” -Edgar, FFVI

“This is the eternal kingdom of Zeal, where dreams can come true. But at what price?” -Doreen, Chrono Trigger

“Don’t worry, we tried it on our pets! There’s no reason why it shouldn’t work as well on humans! So step right up!” -Taban to Crono before he steps on the Telepod. (Ever notice any pets around Lucca’s house? I thought not. Makes you wonder what happened to them… :chupon:)

“Lower thine guard and thou’rt allowing the enemy in.” -Frog, Chrono Trigger

“Mother, please stop! This power can only end in ruin!” -Schala, Chrono Trigger

“Like any egg, it represents a possibility… It may or may not hatch.” -Gaspar, Chrono Trigger

“You got whacked, 'cuz you’re weak.” -Magus, Chrono Trigger. (Something that if in a fanfic would probably be dubbed OOC, but he actually says it… ::dekar!:: )

“The prophet’s aura is full of hatred and sorrow. He’ll destroy himself, and those he loves.” -NPC in Zeal Palace

Hmmm… I probably should stop there… ^_^;

Too bad they corrected it in the Anniversary Collection re-release of the game.

All is not lost, though. If you ever play the game, there’s this feature called “Navi” in MM 1-6 that gives you gameplay tips for specific areas of each stage when you pause the game. The tips contain some of the absolute worst Engrish I have ever laid eyes upon. Example below; taken from Dr. Wily’s Castle Stage 3 in Mega Man 1, when the gigantic wave of water hits you.

Dr Light: A wild wall attack! Will be swept away… can not return…

It’s not an RPG but I had to share it.

“You know, for a fat guy, I don’t sweat that much. No, no, that’s not true, I sweat a lot. Ahem… It might be a needle, but it moves like a sewing machine! Yeah, that’s good, I’ll just tweak it a bit.” - Todd the team manager practising his pickup lines in Tony Hawk Underground.