Ask me anything

<font color=red>pokefreak_85: Why is it that people always have to do threads like this when they get close to 1K/2K/3K/anyK posts?</font>
Its a tradition
<font color=red>Hades: Are you a Monk, or just a Friar? ^_~</font>
<font color=red>Pierson: Why are cold chicken tikka sandwiches so god-damned delicious?</font>
PORK CHOP SANDWICHES! er, i’ve never had such a sandwich. So I cant answer.
<font color=red>Urkani: Why am I so in love with TD?</font>
Wht arent you in love with ME!?
<font color=red>Evanjeline:Why are bakers dozens made of 13 somethings?</font>

<font color=red>Pierson: What happens when a black hole meets a black hole, comin’ through the rye?</font>
Then they’ll merge into one big black hole?
<font color=red>Devillion: Why are you so cool?</font>
I’m not cool enough for more than like 3 people to PM on AIM! so I MUST NOT BE THAT COOL!
<font color=red>Why do you change your avatar so much?</font>
Cuz I get bored with it. and I like to mess around with it, see how many new ideas I can come up with. It brings me great joy.
<font color=red>Fawful: How did a fink-rat such as you become to the posessor of 3000 posts!?</font>
I post stuff.
<font color=red>GG Crono 4: If you suddenly went completely bald, what would you have for dinner?</font>
I would end my life, as anyone should do.
<font color=red>Mabatsekker: What kinds of Finnish trinkets would you want if I brought some for the Cali Meeting?</font>
I dunno, what kind of trinkets do you have? maybe like a figurine of some kind. that I can put on display.
<font color=red>Evangelion: Do you really want a bath?</font>
Hell yeah
<font color=red>Vyse the legend: Why is the human race hell bent on self destruction? (individualy, collectively and bush)</font>
Who cares? as long as it doesnt do it near me.
<font color=red>Americansycho: why do hot dogs come in packages of eight and hot dog buns come in packages of six?</font>
So they can sell more buns.
<font color=red>The Wizardmaster: What is your opinion on how cool you are?</font>
Not cool enough
<font color=red>Steve: Why does sex smell so sexy?</font>
I dont know, why do YOU smell so sexxy?!
<font color=red>Valkyrie Esker: What is it that keeps you here at RPGC? Seriously</font>
<font color=red>Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Are you a perfect person? </font>
<font color=red>Are there many things you didn’t do? </font>
when? yes
<font color=red>Do you continue learning? </font>
<font color=red>Did you mean to do those things to me?</font>
WHat things? Probably not
<font color=red>Do you like Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, or any other hair metal bands?</font>
Not really
<font color=red>Cless Alvein: What is(are) the point(s) of intersection for {[(x - 2)^2 / 9] + [(y - 3) ^ 2 / 16]} = 1 and y = -3x - 8?</font>
<font color=red>Kero Hazel: What is your birth name?</font>
I am Iron Man
<font color=red>Kairi: Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold. Peas porridge in a pot 9 days old. Can you spell that with 4 letters?</font>
Yes you can
<font color=red>Miltank: Why are there so many questions, so few answers?</font>
For each question there is at least one answer
<font color=red>Infonick: My quesiton is: How did you get to be so awesomely cool?</font>
I’m not cool, just compared to ALL OF YOU! HAHAHAAHA, I kid, I’m not cool.
<font color=red>vyse the legend: Do you like Hoobastank?</font>
I dont know what that is
<font color=red>Who should rule the world (other than yourself)?</font>
Uhhh, Dracula
<font color=red>Are you going to answer more than 10% of these questions?</font>
<font color=red>Alyx: Whats your real name???</font>
I’ll tell you next time I see you on AIM!
<font color=red>Sapphire Falcon: What would you do if there were no girls to maul?</font>
I dont want to think of such a thing
<font color=red>Evanjeline: Why are you putting yourself through all of this questioning?</font>
<font color=red>Evanjeline: Are you interested in Harry Potter?</font>
In killing the writer? yes
<font color=red>Yar Kramer: Why does Evanjeline keep making double posts? :3</font>
who cares?
<font color=red>BigNutter: Is she in two Minds?</font>
yeah sure.
<font color=red>vyse the legend: How many people live inside your head?</font>
Not too many
<font color=red>who has asked the most stupid question so far?</font>
I dont know
<font color=red>who has asked the most intelligent question so far?</font>
I didnt pay attention
<font color=red>are you ganna answer any more now ur over 3k?</font>
<font color=red>Nicholas D. Wolfwood: When are you gonna answer my question?</font>
<font color=red>Sorcerer: Will you ever post a pic of EPL?</font>
<font color=red>Evangelion: Where are all these zip files? I wanna see ;_;</font>
He’s too old for yoU!
<font color=red>Sapphire Falcon: If you could be anywhere, where would you be? </font>
anywhere else. probably sweden, orrrr new zealand is nice. or ireland, or iceland!
<font color=red>Merlin: what movie other than Spider-Man 2 are you looking forward to the most this year?</font>
Shrek 2
The day after tomorrow
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
King Arthur
I, Robot
Alien Vs Predator
Excorcist: the begining

<font color=red>Dalton Of Zeal: Out of all the usernames in the world, why did you choose “Charlemagne”?</font>
Its the best
<font color=red>Admiral Nagumo: Do you pledge to protect Tokugawa, Ieyasu?</font>
<font color=red>Evangelion: When are you going to answer dammit?!</font>
<font color=red>Dragonessa: Anyway, how did you come up with this brilliant scheme to have people ask questions and then not answer them? Was it just another case of the Charlemagne genius, or another case of the Charlemagne meant to answer them but just didnt?</font>
I answered them!
<font color=red>Manus Dei: What is the purpose of meaning?</font>
I could tell you, but i’m not in the mood.
<font color=red>Alyx: Do you love me?</font>
Of course I love you, I love you more when you’re on AIM
<font color=red>PeTeRL90: Will you buy me dinner then do me like a rabbit?</font>
sure, if I dont have to buy you dinner.
<font color=red>Loki: Why?</font>
<font color=red>GunsmokeMist: …Anything?</font>

Why does clicking on your duck change the title bar in IE to saying #post(reallybignumber)?

I have destroyed your questions, WITH ANSWERS!