am I the only person who hates cell phones?

If there are certain hours you shouldn’t/don’t want to be called, turn the phone off or put it on silent. It’s rather easy to do. Instead of placing the blame on others, just do what’s in your power to make sure you’re not interrupted when you don’t want to be.

Be careful, the 984. You are expecting people to act rationally and maybe even take responsibility for their own lives and actions. If people do that, you may well be out of a job by the time you get through law school.

I’d be happy to have no job if people accepted personal responsibility.

I’d agree. My whimsical cynicism just couldn’t resist a token remark on both society and the my chosen profession (for long enough that I figure it’s probably going to stay like that, barring I try it and hate it) at once.

The only thing about cell phones I really hate are when people in class take it outside of their class for something completely inane… or when they take it in class ever.

That does get annoying. Once or something, just forgetting to turn it off, I don’t get upset at, but the people who do it tend to do it all the time in class, and it gets annoying fast.

No lawyers and people accepting personal responsibility? What a happy day :stuck_out_tongue:

but it wouldent be that important if he didint have one

… um … yes it would be. It sounds like it was in the middle of what amounted to a medical emergency. Which is better, taking a cell phone to the woods, or having to say “We can’t contact him! He’s going for a walk in the woods!”

One of my profs refered to my cell phone as the bane of my existance. I can be a little too scatterbrained for cell phones. I forget to put it on silent, it rings in class. I forget to charge it, it’s useless. I leave it in random places on silent, so I have to pray to the heavens that I can find it.

They are very useful for me though. It’s hard to get in contact with me when a person needs me for say a class project or family emergency. I don’t check my emails or mail and I tend to not be logged on im. So other than hunting me down in person(apparently rather difficult people have found), calling is the preferred mode of finding me.
The phone is also the only way I can get in contact with the guy who gives me a ride to aikido everyday. This is vital for me, because if I had no phone then I’d have no way of telling him if I’m making certain days or not.

AND most importantly for me my phone is on the family plan with well…my family. I’m halfway across the country now, it’s good to be able to call home with no extra fees and have nice long conversations with my mom and dad. Then to call up my sister and see if she’s quit IHOP yet.

Sadly, Sprint sucks at life and I don’t get signal in the building or on most of the campus, so I need to get another service.

For my sister her phone is a big part of her social life, I know. But she also uses it as a safety thing. She’s living alone in a big city and shuttling between work and home. She normally talks on the phone with one of us or her boyfriend on the way home so that we know she’s at least getting home ok, and not getting stranded out on the road, alone, in the middle of the night.

So…No, I do not hate cells. They are quite useful.

they are the bane of your existence, they are the devils intercoms