Alcohol is the Devil

I get drunk on occasion. With enough alcohol, my typing gets considerably worse.

I work at my Local Tax office, Pierson, and since your home addess you claim to be is Warrington. I work on the Cheshire and Lacashire taxes.

So Theoitiy, I could Make you pay more tax or less. Thats if I had your Natioal Insureance Number (Like NS 54 35 25 P (This is a fake it will not register as Valid becouse of the P)).

Big Nutter
I’m leaving soon Temp you see.

Wow. Thats…um…wow.

I hope no one from the government reads these forums. >_> Why the fuck would you even suggest that?

Why? Because:

a) Because I worked at a Tax office that covers Pierson home town.

b) I’m out of my head.

Big Nutter
I’ll take B!

Well, thank many of you for the support and the bashing of alcohol. Nothing makes me feel better about my forced sobriety than other peoples willing sobriety. To be honest, I never have been that fond of drinking, but in the right circumstances, it can be a part of the party. Its not about the getting smashed, its about the ability to do things arounds friends that you wouldn’t normally do, and to have information about them that will keep them from telling what you did. Being drunk is embracing the stupidity. Usually I don’t like being stupid, but a little recklessness can go a long way at times.

I would like to add one thing though: My alcohol issues make me a pariah at my university. We have a weekly event called “Thirsty Thursday” here, where everyone starts getting drunk a day early for the coming weekend binge. Though I have never been a fan of this, it should tell you how much alcohol is part of SIU’s culture. Its not that I drink to fit in, its that there is nothing to do but drink.

It is of course good to know that others choose not to drink though. I will climb back on my high horse and say “alcohol is the devil,” and I might just forget to mention that it hurts me. That way I look virtuous.

And BN… please please for the sake of us all, try not to post the immediate reply to any new thread… its a recipe for disaster

Every univeristy has that. But, I suppose you were being sarcastic.

I love alcohol. What sucks though is the fact that being a teenager, most of the kids I chill with buy that pussy ass smirnoff shit when I specifically reccomend better (and slightly more expensive but far superior) alcohol. I dig mixed drinks, but sometimes it’s just fun to get trashed.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, drunken sex is not that good. Fun though, but only because you tend to move from room to room for no real reason.

It isn’t like people die from Alcohol or anything, geez.

I drink when I feel like it, but not really to get drunk. Only the stuff that taste good is worth drinking, and the stuff that taste good is usually expensive (IE, not beer). So for those of you who don’t like alcohol because of the taste, trust me, there are some pretty nice tasting ones out there.


A guy from down the hall has this to add:

Now do you see where I am coming from?

the beauty of college.

I don’t understand why so many of you condemn drinking as so horrible. I mean, if you have some self control, then drinking is pretty good.

I choose not to drink very often because when I DO drink, I tend to go all out. Like that time I called a buncha people in the middle of the night and told them I loved them and they were SO COOL! Or the time (pathetically enough) that I got online drunk. Yeah. Online. Drunk. cough

Also, saying alcohol tastes bad is very, very true. But nobody drinks pure alcohol unless you’re insane. There are many types of alcohol, many of which hide the flavor. But I’ll end my spiel uh- right now. Yeah.

I condemn alcohol because I think it’s absolutely pathetic that people want/need to chemically alter themselves to either feel good or have a good time. I’d rather see it done through strength of mind.

Because a) They can’t drink with moderation b) They’ve had a single hangover (refer to a) c) The time they first had any, they forgot about a)

A pint or two are nice on a friday evening in a bar…

(Seeing I haven’t been an… active alcohol user even for a year, heh heh heh… I’ve learned a few tricks… like, you start with beer, you stay on beer. No long drinks or ciders in between. Maybe a shot of something stronger…)

Okay, so we sat in the bar… the others had a few beers/cider… I stuck with my cola… in about an hour, their conversation went into a frequency I quite couldn’t grasp. That usually means I leave, since I had work the next day. In cases I didn’t have work, sure, I got myself one. Of course, I blame my willpower for not resisting the folk disease… (Alcohol.) I did stay clear 'til 18… by the virtue of principle.

isnt it that you only ‘chemically alter’ yourself when you drink more than necessary? I mean, if you drink a cup of rum or have a beer, it wouldnt do anything to you. maybe make you feel relaxed or something. What im trying to say is that, drinking is like any other beverage unless you consume excessive amounts…like coffee (even though it has different side effects) sure people abuse, I see your point. But that doesnt mean alchohol should be condemned due to the idiots that we have to live with. but I guess you are entitled the right to have your seperate opinion.

RPT: What about people just liking the taste and drinking a few glasses too much? :stuck_out_tongue: It’s like drinking I dunno, 348756 glasses of coke (only I guess the effect will be a little different, unless you get drunk on caffeine or hyper on alcohol).

I don’t think it tastes bad. o-o Most of the time I drink stuff pure. Tastes good, even. Of course there are exceptions. -scratches head-

Since the concpet of alcohol as a form of weakness has arisen, I would like to take some time to point out a few minor things

1- Anything you do to feel better is a form of mental weakness. When you take an action that you know you enjoy, you are doing so with the intent of feeling better. You feel better because for whatever reason, your brain releases feel good chemicals into your brain. There are of course many many levels to this, but ultimately, we are driven by chemical “feel goods” in our brain and its just a matter of how we get them. There is of course a huge difference between doing a puzzle and doing heroine, but it is the same base process in your brain.

2- I agree that alcohol is a vice. For me, coffee is a vice. I know some who get their feel good from sexuality. I’m not prepared to judge another too harshly about their pursuit of happiness as long as they aren’t creating more/worse problems than they are solving.

3- RPT: Remember, the true sign of a virtuous man is one who holds himself to a higher standard than his fellow man.

If you say everything we do to make us feel happy, that would also include playing video games, eating food we like, going outside to take a sunbath- pretty much everything we know that makes us happy. In other words, does that mean I have a mental weakness when I have an impact on my happiness? Am I only allowed to run around with a frowneyface until a coincidence occurs that makes me happy, because every single action I take to cheer myself up would be a ‘mental weakness’ of mine? raises eyebrow

I’d take a Dr. Pepper over a glass of wine any day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mt. Dew > Dr. Pepper

Yep, there’s something wrong with that, right there.