
Eh? People make fun of YOU? O.o; You’re not the only one. .-.;

Edit: After reading the second page… I really hope you’re just messing around. If not, you’re blowing everything out of proportion. O.o;

Edit2: After actually reading the entire thread… Are you just having problems with people are RPGC? Or in real life too? If you’re having difficulties outside of this place that are actually… Difficulties, just tell them and since you’re liked enough around here, they will stop.

What are you talking about Ramza? You say mean things to me all the time. Of course that’s usually when everyone else is picking on you, and I’m venting my rage on everyone else. But still. It hurts. :frowning:


If by “Hippie-Maz” you mean, “Mazrim who’s totally awesome and right in what he’s saying right now,” then thanks. :smiley: You’re a pal.

And if by “Are you sure you don’t have a Mazfro?” you mean, “Can I build a shrine to you and worship you as my god?” then sure, gosh you’re making me blush though ^.^ :kissy: You’re the best Starstorm! hugs

Nessa… I haven’t talked to you in… At least two weeks. The only thing I’ve ever said “hurtful” towards you is just joking about ClothHat and you. And I take everything seriously too, so, it’s okay if you do. >.>;

You fool, you talked to me yesterday. And you told me to die. :frowning:

Oh dude, Ramza, I gotta say that the only time I ever got annoyed at you, enough to want to (and probably I did too) say mean things to you was when you kept asking me why I wasn’t playing Starcraft. At the time I was kind of embarrassed that I had totally screwed up two consecutive runs of Rise of Rome, and I didn’t want to watch people show off their mad skills at each other, so I hung out in the chat room. I may have said some mean things to you then when you asked me about it, and if so, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said them, because I shouldn’t have taken Starcraft so seriously, but I guess I did. We live and we learn…

But anyways, I apologize for those harsh feelings. I hope we’re not enemies. :slight_smile:

Lol. >.>;; I don’t remember that. Yesterday I was having a terrible day outside of home… And, then I had to deal with TD and Sorc and the rest of the crew, so I might have said stuff I didn’t really mean. o.o;

Edit: Maz, I don’t remember you being mean to me ever, but I DO remember your crazy picture… So. That means I like you. I guess. >.>;

It’s ok, I still lav you Ramza. group hugs with Ramza, Maz, and Spazzy

Lol. Group hugs back But… What IS the problem? To tell the truth, I still haven’t really read the entire thread. Are certain people giving you crap or something? .-.;

It’s not so much that I have a problem, it’s more like the world has several problems that it needs to recognize. I’m just a messenger of peace, truth, and love!!

Nice! :smiley:

Lol, do you still have that crazy black hair? Or was it dark brown? I couldn’t tell. I don’t really remember either. I DO remember that I like it though.


Isn’t that from Sailor Moon? >.>;; Or was that Pokemon? Yeah… With team rocket!

Naw dude, it’s selphie all the fucking way.

It’s probably from all of those, along with a few other things.

Lol, what part did Selphie say that? <3 Selphie. >.>;; <3 FF8

Truth is you suck!

You wish. ^.~ And not the only one, from what I hear…

you wish I wished.

You wish I wished you wished.

I wish you would shut up!