Any one know anyway to reduce stress, other than medication? I took this test and it said I’m severly over stressed and, due to that, I’m actually about 10 years older. That sucks and I want my “stress” age to go down.
Take a deep breath.
If it was an internet test I wouldn’t worry to much.
Light some insense and meditate
Take a cat nap… or go to bed if it’s mid night for you as it is over here. >.>
sometimes relaxing is the best thing to do.
Play a sport just for fun or take up a musical instrument. Getting a full eight hours sleep helps too.
Is there anything particular that stresses you or it’s just life in general?
And according to the same test, I’m probably 40 years older and should’ve died of cancer 5 years ago.
Exercise or a bubble bath. Or a nice back massage.
Why are you stressing?
listen to calming music sometime helps.
Watch some comical movies, or play online board games. That always helps.
I doubt that stuff would help against severe rage-inducing stress. >.>
First of all don’t trust the stress test, it was probably a ploy to get you to buy a book on stress reduction. If you yourself feel stressed there are several ways to go about it.
The best way is obviously whatever works best for you. Some people find a bubble bath really relaxing, some get annoyed because their hands get all pruny. You should know better than us what relieves stress.
Another option is to reduce potential stress. If you get really freaked out over homework being due then try getting it done early. If dogs makes you flip the fuck out then avoid situations with dogs, simple stuff.
If you want a neat little relaxation trick try checking out hypnosis. Hypnosis makes you open to suggestions by putting you in a state of extreme relaxation. The teacher in my speech class used to put the entire class through relaxation exercises to help calm down nervous students, and the effect was remarkably similar to being hypnotized. You can call it meditation if you want.
Find out WHAT causes your stress, and either deal with it, or, if not possible, distance yourself from the cause as much as you can. Also, find something fun to do with your free time ('cause nothing stresses you more than feeling like there’s nothing in your life BUT stress.) Best wishes.
Like others have already said, it depends on what’s causing you stress. If you are doing way to many activities, it may be time to give one up. Then again, if those same activities are helping you to relieve stress, then giving it up would be a bad idea… Without knowing more of the situation it’s hard to give helpful advice. Like CH said, only you know what’s best for you. If you’re really concerned you could always go to a doctor. They might be able to tell you solutions other than medications such as a change to your diet, or something similar. I read an article recently (can’t find it now) that foods like brocoli, peas, peanuts, and a whole bunch more could help reduce stress. Hope that helps some!
Do stuff as to not think about it.
Like play a game or watch an anime. I suggest SMJ.
Attemt to destroy a tree in your back yard with your bare hands.
Me; I take it out on games, and get stressed about guitars. My Bro is the oposite: He play guitar to calm, and get angery when loosing Games.
Lift weights.
Let the air out of your veins, hahahahahHAHAHAHAH!!!
Or paint somthing, I dunno. bake a loaf of bread.
Go there.