(Adult) Sexually related question

Oh, I know, you would be on me like a t-cell on a foreign bacteria, or something equally as descriptive.
I’ll do my best not to cross you though :wink:

Well, yeah. Like I don’t know. Sin, I’m not a little girl! :slight_smile:
I’m just asking since it’s not clear whether she’s ignorant or just a masochist. :slight_smile: Me being true me here, I just don’t want our anonymous friend here having to listen to his girl bitching about being in pain when she effing asks for it, 'cause that’s just not fair. It’s really sweet of him though.

Anonymous Gamer, can you keep your posts cleaner, we don’t mind a little sexual discussion but this thread is lewd.

On a somewhat related note, my penis is so big that I had to get another job to give a pay raise to the team of contractors hired to build the supporting scaffolding. My 6 supermodel girlfriends complain that it’s too big, like when I’m having sex with girl number 2, it’s so big that it will cause a small rip in space time and cause girl number 3 to complain about it.

This thread is generating some hilarious content. As for the girl, well its either a case she’s a bitch or the guy’s a carpet, in either case of which you have to attribute blame for being abusive and for letting oneself be abused.

If nothing else, just wrap your hand around the base of your penis while you’re having sex. And ‘adjust’ from there.

As an aside, 7-8 inches is not something that’s particularly brag worthy and I can only wonder what kind of illegal pre teen it could possibly hurt because of the rearranging of the vaginal canal during intercourse.

Cless Alvein!! Damn you! But seriously, just go buy a cock donut, I’ve been researching these things.

Cless Alvein!!!

How long is your penis Sinistral? Eighty inches?

Ah ha ha. Sin looks like a webcam girl now.

It’s fairly common, but most people won’t make a thread about it on a bloody rpg forum, they’ll ask their GP. That’s what you should do too.

You mean to say he isn’t? Show it Sinistral, show it!

What about you, Mr. Wrestling Fan? Do you have a robotic penis?

My dick is so awesome , it generates its own gravitational field, drawing unsuspecting girl after unsuspecting girl to sacrifice themselves to its uncomparibly satisfying goodness. Obelisks are risen in its name the world over such that it is properly worshipped and recognized. Barbarian tribes of the past recognized that its advent was inevitable and its rise has been foreseen for millenia. Bow before me, bow because it has come.

How does it stay attached?

No. Your mom stole it to pleasure herself with every night. I decided then that flesh and boners is the way to go.

By God’s will.

(insert completely appropriate joke about post #31)

All this talk about enormous penes is lovely (and now I have that song by Da Vinci’s Notebook in my head again), especially hearing about Sin’s. I’d ask for a pic, but I don’t have the money to travel across country on a pilgramage to see the Divine Phallus in person, which would probably happen after seeing a pic.

Anyway, I never really got the appeal of giant penes. Hell, the human penis is already bigger than it needs be! Compare the human penis to the normal body size of a human, and see the relative size of penes to other animals, ours are bigger. And if that isn’t great enough, just be proud of the fact that you can say with certainty that your dick is bigger than a gorilla’s!

…I know way too much about penes.

I feel for anonymous. Zany shit like this only happens rarely. Like others have said, Unless you know how to Do certain things Easily with a woman, you have to be gentle and careful. :\

And yea, i agree, this thread is lewd :\

Because of its monstrous size, every time you get an erection, you run out of blood and pass out. Then, when you regain consciousness, you find yourself wearing lipstick and frilly lingerie. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

And lo, five rotations post the killing of the twin phallus of the great city, a new phallus shall there be, raised in the spirit of manhood, and universal power, as it shall be both mankind’s savior and a harbinger of the end of sex with anyone but the mighty phallus wielder, in Phallus’ name, We pray, Se-men.

Edit: Sin does look a bit like a cam whore, I could not place where I had seen the face before but now I recognize it.

I’m with Ramza, penis doughnuts ftw.