And I was just bothered with the crashing bugs in the PC version of GGX. Anyway, story mode time!
[li]Around 2020 or so: Humans discover a revolutionary form of energy that solves all our energy problems! This new form of energy is called “magic” and nobody knows why it’s called that with a straight face.
[/li][li]Around 2090 or so: The “Gear Project,” the brainchild of an individual known only as That Man and one Dr. Frederick, is formed with the intentions of creating biological/magical/technological living WMDs, basically, called Gears. Justice – the Command Gear, who controls all other Gears – decides that turning on his creators is a neat idea, and there’s a humans vs. Gears war called the Crusades that lasts almost a century.
[/li][li]2175: After a climactic battle against a bounty hunter with the unlikely name of Sol Badguy (voiced by Daisuke Ishiwatari, the creator of the games), Justice is sealed away, and all Gears cease to function – except one.
[/li][li]Between 2177 and 2178: A girl named Dizzy is found in a village, and taken in by an old couple with no kids of their own. Whuh-oh, that’s got destiny written all over it.
[/li][li]2180: Guilty Gear: The Missing Link. The second “Sacred Order of Holy Knights” tournament takes place (I’m still not clear on what happened with the first), with the winner getting some sort of wish granted. Sol Badguy is one of the contestants, and he’s the one who makes it to the end – only to discover that it’s actually being held by a Gear named Testament, who’s somehow managed not to cease to function, and who intends to free Justice from getting sealed away. He succeeds in this, only for Justice to get killed by Sol, but not before revealing that That Man is still alive, and Sol Badgu is, in fact, the title character (he’s Dr. Frederick, who became the prototype Gear, actually).
[/li][li]Less than a year later: Guilty Gear X (which is pronounced Guilty Gear Zex for some reason). Rumor alert! There’s rumors about a new Gear running around, who might be a Command Gear and start another Crusades!! It was this girl who went from infant to 16-20-ish in about three years and then grew wings and a tail! The government places a bounty of half a million World Dollars on its head, especially when they find that Testament’s guarding it. So the cast goes down to hunt it, each for different reasons, and eventually Sol’s the one who finds her. It turns out to be Dizzy, who’s just this innocent girl, y’know, except for being half-human and half-Gear. And don’t get me started on Necro. Uh, but anyway, Sol lets her live, the reward goes to a Chinese chef named Jam Kuradoberi for her restaurant, and Dizzy goes to live with the Jellyfish Pirates, a sort of aircraft-riding variant on Robin Hood, and vaguely disturbing in that it’s crewed mostly with girls and captained by a “smooth dude” named Johnny. Oh well, at least Dizzy looks old enough …
(And Guilty Gear X2 is called Guilty Gear XX in Japan. “Guilty Gear XX #Reload” is pronounced “Guilty Gear Double-Zex Sharp Reload.” I have the PC version of #Reload, with a patch that translates its Story Mode. It also has an anime FMV that sort of pretends to be a trailer for Guilty Gear X, except that very little of it makes sense with respect to GGX’s story. :D)
Also, having poked throughly through that one page with the character sprites, I have reached a conclusion: The first character I try is SOOO going to be Zappa.
You saw nothing! Oh, and one significant thing I forgot to mention: during the Crusades, the Gears destroyed Japan, and thus everyone of Japanese descent is put in protective custody in this colony as “national treasures” and some of the characters are escapees. Just a really good example of the fact that when Japanese media isn’t overglorifying Japan, they’re destroying it. :3
Got it off eMule. It doesn’t translate the move names or the Arcade Mode victory quotes, though, and sometimes the Story Mode lines are cut off at the right.