A query: Guilty Gear series

Johnny is my fav character. Mist Finer (Refiner?) Level 3 owns noobs, but most people know that it is easy to avoid by just ducking and blocking.

Fought Faust yet, have ya? :smiley: Also, the only character I’m the least bit good at is Dizzy.

I recently rented X-2…AND IT BE AWSOME! (I like being cheap when using Dizzy; pressing the triangle button all the time)

Although, it can be hard as crap to. XD

My fanart:


Now I have. Having played Zappa’s story mode, I almost pity the bastard. Almost. :wink:

I’ve gotten pretty decent with him.

Also, I’m not too shabby with May and Venom, I find.

Oh, one point of interest: Faust’s Instant Kill attack is fugging awesome.

The EXE Instant kill, or the normal one? He has two.

Normal one: He blows up the world.
EXE: He tries to blow up the enemy, doesn’t work, goes near the enemy, bomb goes off, and faust and the enemy have an afro.

Normal one. Don’t have any of the EXEs variants yet.

You can just play survival mode to unlock them. Once you reach level 10, you’ll fight an exe character. Beat him, and you get the exe mode for that character. Every 10 levels, another exe character will challenge you.

Just unlocked EX Faust.


Also? Mission mode is im-fugging-possible. @_@

You gotta be good for missions, I can beat about 5-10 of em. The ones where you can destroy are the easiest. You can also unlock EX and SP modes by getting endings in story mode, that may be easier than survival. I play Milia EX, Zappa is too hard to play for my liking.

shrugs I just like Zappa.

What would you all say is the easiest way to unlock Kliff and Justice?

Beat every character’s Story Modes and get all 60 endings (each character has 3). And in GGX2 #Reload, at least, beating all three endings gets EX Mode and SP-colors (another set of alternate colors including Black and Gold Mode) for that character.

Play the game for 200 hours total, go to an insane length in survival mode (which has 300+ levels), or beat every story with all 3 paths.

My advice is to do the first by attempting the second…repeatedly. You’ll get mad skills, and perhaps you’ll get to the survival mode requirements first.

And Justice can kill you for cigarrettes. Just so you know.

… until you unlock Justice’s story mode (which takes place before the first game!), at which point you’ll discover that Gold Sol can kill you for cigarettes in ways that Gold I-No, Gold Dizzy, and Gold-just-about-anyone-else-for-that-matter won’t.

And I so look forward to it. gulps nervously

Yeah. And just for good measure, Justice starts out in the fight against Gold Sol with 3/4 health. I wish there was a “baby chick” smiley icon, or maybe a cuckoo icon, just so I could show it saying “cheap cheap” and stuff.

I don’t remember that fight being so cheap. EX Gold Johhny probably the cheapest person you can fight, well that and the legendary super gold Sol at the end of survival.

Super-G Sol is a bitch, but less than “Yes, ONE Mist Finer kills you unless you’re Gold Potemkin, and EVEN THEN.” EX G-Johnny

Yeah, well, I suck so I found it harder. :3 Oh, and food for thought: Justice and April (May’s best friend who appears in Story Mode and I think one of May’s victory poses) are voiced by the same person. :smiley:

And I-no is voiced by the same person who did Belldandy. I think it was belldandy. Me memory’s a bit hazy. So what are you expecting, April to be Justice in hibernation?

I Enjoy X2 Some thing Diffet from other fighter

I real like useing Jhonny Eddie and Vemon