So, as we can all see, the forum has been upgraded. And the styles are still not back. Besides Charl complaining, there’s not that much to truly be dismayed about. After all, they should be back, right? Right. Eventually.
No, what we lost was RPGC’s first, and some say best, line of defense: The Uriel Alert System.
Without the styles, we can’t see the Agora in Soylent Green and know that the site is at Low Risk of Uriel Attacks. We can’t see it in RPGC Blue and know that there is a General Risk of Uriel Attacks. We can’t see it in Carnage Red and be concerned about the Significant Risk of Uriel Attacks. Yellow Dog doesn’t exist to inform us of a High Risk of Uriel Attacks. And I need not mention Tutti Fruity Alert.
Gentlemen and lady, without these styles, we have no defense. We cannot alert all of you about which state of alertness to remain at. Our site is in grave danger of Uriel Attacks without the Uriel Alert System. Also, because the current style is mostly white, we know the site may be at greater risk because light colors load faster.
Good people of RPGClassics, under my guidance as the Staffetary of Website Security, we have suffered no confirmed Uriel attacks. We have found sleeper cells, and we have eliminated them. But no successful attacks have occurred. However, without the Uriel Alert System, I feel like one hand is tied behind my back. We never know when a Uriel may invade this site and attempt to light himself on fire to set off an explosive. We may actually be under a secret Uriel Attack now, more discreet than ever. I ask for your help in identifying Uriels, and I feel sorry that I must issue this warning.
We are in Uriel Alert vb4 Default, an Unknown but Presumed to Exist Risk of Uriel Attacks. I am sorry for this current lapse and will work more diligently to prevent any and all Uriel attacks.
Thank you, and Rast bless RPGC.