1000 Post time

Beacus of a litte thing we call… :spam:

Why are you still here?

If a cow says moo, does a moo say cow?

That’sbecause you ditched us for awhile. used us and abused us.

Same here :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, by the way, congrats nutter >>

Lol good question Kam. But I just say moo-cow to make things a lot easier. Just say it all in one one word. It will get people confused and wondering if your ok. Its the best thing in the world. Oh and if your down, or somebody else is down… say this “Say the word Duckie!!” your bound to smile at some point

I wouldn’t normally ask a question like that. I’m just a little hyper now.

:booster: Say the word duckie!! Moo cow goes MOO!


Why is Nightblade so cool, awesome and sexy?

With me, I was expecting these. you’ve not been here long enough to know what I’m Like.

This File would of helped! But MP3 have been Banned on my server from this week. so heres the text:

Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam!

I was Unemployed and had too much time on my hands.

Keep off Moutian Dew, mate.

I have no Idea. It only becouse Rirse stuck us together that I know about you. Plus I not seen you play Football (Soccer).

Big Nutter
Football? Lindsay West, which most of you will not know, is the only bloke Nutter conseiders all threee of those things.

The spider promulgates the mIRC faery dream shoehorn. Computer charisma sells thirty cellular phones?

Do you have my wan?

Am I cool?

Which will rule the world: Toast or Muffins?

He doesn’t need to answer that. We all know toast will. :hahaha;

If you stick a waffle in the Amityville toaster, what do you get back?

Yeah, but what if the muffins attacked back with sporks?

Oh yeah, and WTFing hell are sporks?

If the toast had jelly it would be harmed because it would be soggy. But if it had no jelly it would be harder. (Depends on how well you toast it and how much jelly you put on it.)

What is your opinion of me?

Thoughts on religion?

What do you think my gender is?

Audio: My hat http://bignutter.superihost.com/myhat.wav (seen as remote link has been removed. head here frist http://bignutter.superihost.com/ then imediatly click my hat)

Nope, I’ve not seen it.

Pretty Cool for an 11 year old.

Kory said: Toast. I said Toast. 2 Points

F*** all.

Whats sporks?

Big Nutter
Kory No more posting. I want Question not anwers.

Sorry I’m a little hyper, ya?

Wrong! You get back a toasted hand. Don’t believe me. Just go here