Because wave 1 of 12 to 24 zealots can hit you before you even have your first aerial unit floating there, or if you do…well, one carrier will slowly peck away at the zealots as they rip your base to shreds.

He said no gas.

Oh…I must have missed that bit, sorry.

I personally enjoy the zealot rush tactic. As long as they have the increased move and can get to the tanks without dying they win. air is just fairly weak against ground and the good ones shoot slow. meanwhile I’ll be ripping apart everything ground based. I actually mien gas though so I can get the speed and other upgrades.

he went without because his first hit got most of his opponent’s miners, so he had no real need to do anything else. It was just pure zealot carnage. I’ve done similar things late game with archons, or “happy fun balls” as we call them here. Those things just slaughter stuff if they don’t have science vessels.

For those of you who use frequently use the excuses “I don’t have SC” or “I lost SC” to get out of playing Starcraft… coughKagoncough


It’s $5 less than anywhere else and has free shipping too!

I am SOOO calling Archons “happy fun balls” from now on. =D

And as good as they are, if you opponent is Terran and you are Protoss, he WILL have Science Vessels if he knows what he’s doing, so unless you tech to Templars really effing fast, your time is better spent pumping out other stuff. I’ve learned THAT lesson the hard way more than once…

And BTW, I DO have Starcraft. I bought the battle chest a few years back. Unfortunately, I lost my Original disk.

I might just see about pirating one somewhere…

Just buy it, $15 is such a small amount of money for such a great game. XD

Happy fun balls > zerg.

I wouldn’t buy something twice. I already paid for it, so fuck that. That’s why I downloaded Diablo 2 as opposed to buying it again.