I second this for more work to be done to Zeppelin’s FF6 Shrine! I also would like to know how the hell does he get semi-transparent borders to come out. I looked at the code but, I couldn’t really figure out what he is doing different from me.
I came up with something that fits your circumstances: Talent imitates, but genius steals.
I guess I gotta takes things one step at a time. I would like the FF6 Shrine to be more complete though, such as it should include the extra’s that were included in the GBA version. Which I also own, but yeah again back to my last statement…
What happened to Zeppelin’s FFVI walkthrough? I NEED it. Instead I’m left with the foul taste of Cyan’s dream.
When can the rest of it be expected to be put up? I note with consternation that the last update was aaaaages ago. ( Who knows if he’ll ever even read this.)
Colonel Sponsz, he actually just finished writing it yesterday. He’s just collecting screen shots and doing the htmling. You can expect it by the end of the month. Keep checking back.
Legend! Thank-you too much!
I updated my Heroes 1 shrine on a few pages… but not on the page showing when/what I updated oddly enough.
Necro bump but still been two years and not yet updated.::doh::
Unfortunately zeppelin passed away a few years ago, run down by a pack of murderous Chinese whores after he tried to skip out on his bill. But his legacy will always live on in the legendary description of best ff6 character cyan
What happened to the Muslim whores?
Believe it or not, but Muslim Chinese are one of the official minorities in China so that the central bureaucracy can say “Hey look at all this diversity we have!”
Same thing that’s happening with Native Americans so North American governments can show off how well they’ve done since the smallpox blanket days
My wife is Chinese Muslim
Edit: WAIFU, sorry
It’s safe to say that it won’t ever be updated.
What does it matter, right ? FF3/6 is awesome… and always will be.
Yes… I’m alive.
i demand Zepp maintain his shrines better or get totally banned :suckah: