xbox 360 pricing

This is so fucking retarded.

Okay, when it comes to retarded moves…

Nintendo : 1
Sony : 1
Microsoft : 2!

Microsoft’s in the lead at the moment, but wait, Sony might just release the price and go for a second stupid move!

Here’s an article my guildleader on WoW wrote with some professional opinions on the matter

I’d say that the biggest problem with this is that it’ll kill most, if not all hard drive support for the XBox 360. This will really split the user base and make developers develop for the lower system in order to meet the majority and make sales. One of the biggest selling points of the XBox was its hard drive since it eliminated the need to manage saves and memory cards, but now MS is pretty much getting rid of its biggest addition. I mean its cool that they are trying to meet more gamers with the price, but they are doing it at the cost of their greatest feature.

Tycho sums it up pretty nicely:

I’m not buying either of them until they go way down in price. Highest I’ve ever payed for a console was $200, and I’ve sworn an oath never to pay more than $150 again (unless I get filthy rich and can roll naked in piles of cash. THEN I’d pay more than $150, but I’d at least tell the cashier my butt was on the bills in retalitiation for making me pay so much).

I feel the same way, however if I wrote all that, I’d have just left with the first 6 words.

“I’m not buying either of them”

Now thats nice. I like the way it sounds… Yeah… Nice…

I heard about this on the news and Microsoft actually has THREE stupid moves. :stuck_out_tongue: See, in addition to the insanely high price of the 360, they’re making games $59.99 each. Yep. That’s not a typo, they’re not using the standard $49.99 anymore. I’m with RPT on this one, there’s no way in hell I’m paying four hundred and sixty dollars for a system and a single game.

Welcome to Europe for the past 5 years, bitch.

And it’s not like the next gen titles cost up the ASS more to produce or anything.

My best friend an I have been talking about this for a while now. He keeps trying me make me decide now which system I will get so he’ll get the other. I keep telling him that I’m not getting any until I get a real job that will allow to spend $500 for 1 system and 1 game.

Fuck it, I’ll probably end up with all 3 anyway.

I’d like to note that this is all in US dollars. US. Tycho echoed my sentiments exactly and I also agree with Infonick about the focus which the game makers will have in respect to the machine.

Since we’re using PA as a news source, here is an…interesting read.

Edit:click chat transcript and read that first >_>

I found the transcript uninformative and slanted. I don’t get what Tycho’s excited about because I quickly went through the transcript and didn’t feel like I had really been told anything. I did at first think he made a good point with the comparison with the PS2, but nevertheless this is the North American market and you don’t market to Americans what you market to Japanese the same way; ultimately, I thought that was a stupid comparison to make.

Actually, EA and Activision started that, and Microsoft and Sony followed suit; major release titles on all of the 3 new systems will sell for $59.99 to make up for the increased cost of developing new titles.

I’m going to go ahead and be the first person in this thread to admit defeat and state that I am going to spend the $400 on the system, so long as there’s at least 7 good games on the system. My rule of thumb is that I don’t spend any amount of money for a system unless there’s enough games I want on the system that the combined price of the games outweigh the price of the machine. That’s why I bought the Xbox (refurbished) for $150 back in 2003 (after the first major price drop of the current console generation), because I wanted JSRF, Gunvalkyrie, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and the (at the time) upcoming House of the Dead 3. Since then, I’ve gotten a lot out of that investment (Steel Battalion… >_>).

Has there been a price announced for The Revolution or PS3 that anyone knows of? I’ve been told the PS3 will also be 400

My understanding is that it was going to be in that range also. I’m probably gonna get the PS3 because I don’t own a PS2. The reverse compatibility will serve me well. While I hate the upped costs of the new system, I just can’t shake the thought that the 360’s “low cost” option is an awful purchase.

The only console I’ve ever purchased is the PSP, and I intend to keep it that way. I can run emulators and mooch off others.

The PSP isn’t a console, it’s a handheld. Your point still stands, though. I agree with Sin (and Tycho). $400 may be expensive, but that $300 system is shit.

On paper the $300 one just looks like a repackaged Xbox.