Originally Posted by OmegaflareX
So we’ve covered The Day the Earth Stood Still, a Second Life movie, and a Monopoly movie, and Hollywood still has the gall to blame bad box office revenue on videogames. Amazing.

And we’re not even covering the stuff in some of the other threads like the upcoming DB movie and such.

Twilight is teenager fodder. It just appeals to their obsession with famous boys and vampires. And I hate the rabid, irrational fangirls. You can’t criticize the author in any way without being harassed and the freak bitches wishing everything from miscarriages to violent death upon you. I’m not going anywhere near those retarded girls, and personally I think they deserve a shotgun to the face. Just look at this as an example of why I hate those damn fangirls.

Admittedly, I haven’t been following the damn thing’s plot, but this image pretty much sums up what I think of what I’ve heard so far.

If you criticise the author with the same set of words I can see how people could get upset. - Do Top Hats Dream of Electric Trains?

Werd. It’s a new past-time of mine to find threads on google of people bashing it.