I’m sort of interested in WoW, but I wanted to know somethings before I might take the plunge.
- What is the battle system like? Is it active PSO, Everquet, and City of Heroes, or is it automatic like FF11?
- How important is partying? Is it like FF11 where you can’t do much without partying or can you do a fair amount on your own?
- Can you play for a little bit or do you need to play for hours to have any fun in the game?
- What happens when you die? Do you lose experience and levels like in FF11? Do you lose all your money? Is there some other sytem?
- How robust is the character creator? Also, does the look of your character change throughout the game (like FF11 and the armor)?
- How many characters can you create on an account? Do you have to pay for each one like FF11 or can your create multiple ones like CoH and PSO?
I might have more later, but those are some key I ones that I would like answered. Any help would be appreciated.