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I just found this, and personally, it makes me wonder, who WOULD win?
hsgamers.com - Dette nettstedet er til salgs! - hsgamers Ressurser og informasjon
I just found this, and personally, it makes me wonder, who WOULD win?
…yeah, I think that merit’s a big ol’ whompin’ Dubya Tee Eff.
Damn, I’m getting gibberish. Am I the only one? (My Mozilla often fails to read these links… I should go back to Netscape.)
Robot would win. He can’t feel pain, and it would hurt Monkey every time he tried to punch Robot. But it looked in the video like Monkey was wiping the floor with Robot. Is this some kind of metaphor for humanity vs. technology, or did they just make it because they thought it was really weird?
I think monkey would win. If it can survive being thrown off a building and still keep fighting, how could robot stop it? And monkeys are crazily strong anyway, it could probably rip off robot’s arms and legs!:hyperven:
Heh! Fun… Well, it’s hard to tell. It depends on whether or not the robot can keep going without a few pieces… and on how violent the monkey is.
And the monkey would win, at least if it is a rabid monkey. By the looks of it, it is.
The monkey looks faster, and it also looks like the one who would be more likely to dismantle the other.
Kekfa could beat them both up. ;;>.>
Originally posted by Wilfredo Martinez
Damn, I’m getting gibberish. Am I the only one? (My Mozilla often fails to read these links… I should go back to Netscape.)
It’s not showing up for me either, using aol’s browser. flees from the barrage of flying fruits and vegatables
at least if it is a rabid monkey
I hate to use logic at a time like this, but I don’t think a Robot would be effected by rabies.
By the time the rabid monkey’s done with you, you won’t care if it infected you or not. Trust me.
Obvious Wizard of Oz joke